Lanteveldt x F Demon Reader Part 2

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(S/N Species Name)

"What are you saying? You're saying I some how made a contract with you?"

  "Afraid so, little one. Which means I am now stuck here with you." Y/N said with disgust. "No this has to be a mistake. I didn't mean to summon you here." "Oh honey, that's not how the spell circle or the incantation works. Whether you intended to or not, you read the chant aloud. And by doing so you opened the passage, you granted me freedom, and you made the contract with me and sealed it."

"How can that be?" Y/N groaned rubbing her eye lids, "Okay, okay. Allow me to explain this in simpler terms. The spell circle had an image of a dragon on it in the center, which links to me. But since the drawing was faded along with the chant you couldn't make it out, correct?" Sariphi nodded her head. "Okay then. Now because of this, you said the chant out loud and when you did I was forcibly wrapped in chains. And the chains pulled me through the passage and brought me here."

"Why chains?" Lante asked. "The chains are known as what you would call, 'leads' or 'leashes.' When a demons new master has called them the chains are a substitute. And they are forever binding to the demon giving them no choice but to obey their master. But, if the lead is not strong enough to contain us, then like any other savage beast we demons can break the chains. And we are free to roam this world doing whatever we want how ever we so well please." She said speaking with a grin. "Um Y/N? If I may, what exactly did the chant say?" Sariphi asked raising her hand. Y/N gave a blank expression before blinking three times.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE CHANT SAID?! YOU JUST TOLD ME YOU READ IT OUT LOUD!" "Well I did but it was written in beast language. And I can't...really read...beast language all that well." Y/N smacked the palm of her hand onto her face and slowly dragged it down. "I don't know what's worse. The fact that I'm bound to a human child? Or the fact that I'm bound to a human child that is to be the future Queen of Beast's, and she can't even read beast language?"

  Sariphi looked down with embarrassment and Lante wasn't going to stand for it, "It hasn't been long since Sariphi was chosen to be queen. That's why our annoying Chancellor is teaching her everything she needs to know about beast language and beast history."

"Well he clearly hasn't taught her enough. If you truly want to know, then I shall translate it so that you may understand what you said. Ahem,"

Sariphi looked at her hand and a glowing red spell circle appeared on her palm. It's the same spell circle that was on the paper. Seeing this, she looked at Y/N who was holding her hand out in front of her with her eyes closed. She had the same spell circle glowing on her hand.

"Blood and Toil. Unquenchable Hellfire. I seek Thee, Now heed my Deepest Desire. Flames of Fire and Light, Grant me the Second sight. Allow me to See what is Forbidden, By the Creature Untamable to be Ridden. Come to your Masters side, Y/N the Hell Dragon. Hear me, may our Souls be bound on this Night that has Begun. For in this Life until we Shall take our Last Breath, Our Blood, Our Souls, and Our Heart's are One."

The spell circle's glowed brighter and brighter as the chant was recited. And they soon disappeared and Sariphi was surprised but when she looked at Lante, he looked more confused and surprised than she was.

  "Wow." Sariphi looked back and stared at Y/N until she eventually got annoyed and embarrassed. "STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!"

  "Oh right, sorry. But that sounded really beautiful. It reminds me of a poem." She smiled sweetly. Y/N continued to feel embarrassed for a moment more and just crossed her arms avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, well, it's nothing special. It's just a stupid curse that has me stuck here with you as my master. And now that I've recited the incantation as well, the contract is now permanently sealed. So whenever you're in trouble no matter where I may be, I'll come running. Not like I have a choice."

"Well since it's already been decided, I'll try not to be a bother to you. I welcome you to Ozmargo and to be apart of the Queen's Guard." Lante was stunned, he looked at Sariphi and back at Y/N and she was already looking at him with a grin. "Guess we're stuck together." "Tch!"

"Please Lante?" He looked at Sariphi and back at Y/N until he eventually gave in to the arrangement. "If Sariphi thinks it's a good idea then I guess it'd be rude if I didn't try to get on board with this. But don't expect me to go easy on ya or take orders from you."

"Y/N?" "Fine. I suppose I can play nice. For now." She grinned. "Okay, then it's settled."

"Yeah, just one problem little queen. What about the king? I have a feeling his highness isn't going to be happy, when he realizes a demon is in his castle."

  "Don't worry, I'll talk to him. Though I'll be honest it may take him a while to come around and get used to your presence. As well as the Chancellor and the servants." Said Sariphi rubbing the back of her neck. "Well I couldn't care less what the chancellor wants. Or the servants here. All I care about is them staying out of my way and not get on my bad side," Y/N huffed a breath of fire.

  "Don't worry soon enough everyone will learn to accept you." "Heh! If you say so queen. Anyhow I'll let you break the news to his majesty, I'd like to familiarize myself with this place, if you don't mind?" "Oh, well," "I'll stay with her Sariphi. I'll keep an eye on her."

"Really Lante, are you sure?" "Ugh! I don't need a babysitter." "Well that attitude proves you do."

"You wanna see a real attitude?" Sariphi stepped in between them, "Y/N please. Lante will just make sure no one bothers you. You said you didn't want anyone getting in your way right?" Y/N crossed her arms and contemplated on this. "Very well."

"Good! Now I'll leave you both to it. Also, please, no fighting." She tells Lante before leaving them alone. "So, Lanteveldt. Where to first?" Lante let out a small groan before facing her. "Look, if I'm giving you a tour around the castle you can't be seen looking like that."

"Excuse me?" "I mean you can't go walking around the castle in your demon form. You'll make everyone run for their lives. Don't you demons take on other forms?"

"Most of us do. So what, you want me to blend in?" She asked sarcastically. "Yes, that is exactly what I want. But if you can't I totally understand. You're probably weak anyways from using your power to seal the contract and all." Y/N scoffs at his remark and Lante gave a small grin. "Oh you don't think I can take on another form?"

"Hey you said it not me. I mean, I thought it but I didn't say it." Lante grinned as he turned his back on her. "Oh really?" A second later a bright flame swallowed her. Lante took a peek over his shoulder and watched the flame burn bright. He turned to face her shielding his eyes as the flame slowly went out, revealing Y/N in her new beastly form.

The last bits of flame slowly died down, and when Y/N opened her eyes the fire gave them a beautiful glow. Lante didn't realize how in awe he was even when his jaw had opened a little. Y/N looked at her dress to see it still in tact except her shoes were gone to which she nodded as she was satisfied with her appearance. She caught Lante staring at her and she rolled her eyes with a smile as she approached him. She raised a finger under his jaw and closed it for him. "So, am I presentable enough?"

    "Uhh...Yeah. Yeah that looks..fine. But why a S/N?" "No reason. It just felt right for me." She lifted his chin with her finger and walked past him. "Shall we?" She asked tilting her head to the door. Lante was blushing as he grumbled and opened the door for her. Y/N looked at Lante's tail to see it moving uncontrollably. "Pfft!" "What?" "Nothing, let's get going."

(Sry for the wait! I had a bit of a rough patch for a while because of personal/family matters. I also got a little bit of writers block on this one but I'm gonna try to keep updating. Hope you all enjoyed this update though!)

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