Lanteveldt x F Demon Reader Part 3

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  "So, Lanteveldt, how long have you been serving her majesty?" "Not long."

  "Really? You steal anything yet?" Lante looked at her and glared. "No. Because I'm not the thieving type, Sariphi gave me her trust and I'm not gonna let her down."

  "Oh come now. You're a hyenian are you not? Betrayal and theft are in your nature." "Not in this one. I don't know what your deal is-" "I've already told you what my "deal" is. I remain in this realm, not by my choosing, but I am unfortunately here to serve that frail little human girl of yours."

  Lante pulled her aside along the wall, "Let me make something clear for your thick, twisted demon mind, you may be here against your will but that's not all Saliphie's fault. Whoever put that trashed symbol thing on the shelf should've put it in a better hiding spot." Y/N looked to the side as she folded her arms.

  "Saliphie isn't like other humans. She actually cares about beast kind and for some strange reason after a few minutes of meeting you, Saliphie believes that there can be good in someone like you."

  Y/n looked at Lante out of the corner of her eye as if he was scolding her like a child. (Sigh) "Look, she's trying her hardest to be a great Queen someday, and help bring peace between the two realm's. It is my duty to protect her and I will be there for her not only as a witness, but as the Captain of her personal guard."

  Y/n rose a brow, causing Lante to flinch and become flustered as she reached out and held his face in her hands. She looked him deeply in the eyes as hers began to glow between two colors, red and purple. Lante's eyes fell from slits to large pupils.

  He was mesmerized by the glowing light he saw within her eyes and she couldn't help but see the slight redness in his cheeks, or the rising heat she felt in her finger tips. She looked into his memories.

  She could see every memory he has of the time he spent in the castle and with Saliphie. "Your soul is true," she said sounding surprised.

Lante blinked his eyes and his eyes returned to being in slits, "what?" "What you've just said, it's genuine. You didn't lie."

Lante gave her a nod and Y/n's gaze softened as she glanced down at his lips. Her gaze traveled lower to his neck and then a little lower to his chest. She blinked and came back to her senses, clearing her throat she took a step back.

  "Ahem. Uh, l-let's go. Before someone sees us," Lante suggested walking ahead. After Y/n quietly smacked herself on the forehead she let out a sigh and followed Lante. Lante looked calm and collected on the outside but on the inside he was internally screaming and banging his head against a wall.

Meanwhile with Saliphie

   Saliphie walked in on the king having a meeting with Anubis and three elder's. "Saliphie," said the king, looking in her direction. "Um, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have something to tell you. It's really important."

"His majesty and I are in the middle of an important discussion regarding the safety of the kingdom." Anubis stated, Saliphie started to sweat but kept her composure. "The kingdom's safety?"

"Anubis is saying that there have been assassin's breaking into the castle. So far the guards have been able to capture them and identify them. However, we may have a bigger threat to focus on." Said the king. Saliphie felt a little worried about Y/n being discovered by the guard's. Or rather, she's starting to worry about Y/n discovery the guard's.

  "Moments ago there was a strange presence that his majesty sensed, and a very powerful one at that." "Well, strong as it may be it is not nearly as strong as our mighty king." The elders continued to speak amongst each other while Saliphie felt more nervous. But she kept her cool. "Um, so this strong presence, who's power do you suppose it is?"

  "You need not concern yourself Saliphie. But I wish for you to remain in my chambers until we find whoever is behind this." "Uh, yes. But, um. Is it possible that the power you sensed before could be, a demon?" Everyone fell silent and looked towards Saliphie.

  "Why do you ask if the presence is a demon?" Anubis ask's, raising his cloaked hand to his face. Saliphie looked at the king then at the floor, his majesty stood up and went to stand in front of Saliphie. She held her head down and closed her eyes. "Saliphie, I can sense you have something on your mind. Something you wish to tell me."

The king cupped the side of Saliphie's face gently and she leaned into his touch, holding onto the king's wrist. Saliphie smiled up at the king, "Don't worry, I'll tell you after everything is settled. I promise." She stood on her tip toes and touched noses with the king. His majesty was caught off guard by that and it took him a moment to realize Saliphie was leaving. "Sorry again for disturbing you, I'll be going now."

  Outside the door Saliphie let out a sigh and looked back at the door and just walked away. "His majesty might sense Y/N's power again soon, I'll have to talk to her about hiding her power for the time being. I hope she and Lante are getting along."

Meanwhile; "Looks like your human didn't go through with it after all." Lante looked at her with an unbothered expression, "What're you talking about now?"

"She didn't tell the king that I was here. Feels like she was going to but something spooked her, like a little mouse hearing a strange noise before running to hide," Y/N smiled. "How do you know?" "I'm contracted to the girl, call it a sixth sense. So long as I have this mark on my hand, I'll be able to sense the feelings in her soul." "Geez! Just call her Saliphie or the Acting Queen. If you're having a hard time remembering one person's name,"

  "Hey, I have been around far longer than you have. I remember when the first human and beast interacted between the two realms, and who provoked who first. So I am more than capable of remember a puny little human girls name." Y/N retorted looking at Lante as her eyes began to glow. Lante grinned with his arms folded across his chest, "Oh, yeah? Then prove it." Y/N with her arms also crossed, stood closer in front of Lante that their arms almost touched.

  "Saliphie, is going to have to tell his majesty about me one way or another. And when she does whether the king wants me here or not, I'll stay by her side as apart of her personal guard. Just like you, I'll help keep her safe. If that's alright with you, Captain?"

Taking a step closer, he smiled with the tip of his tongue sticking out, "Granted. But I won't go easy on you, I'm gonna see just how much you can handle." She huffed and grinned back at him. "Oh, I can handle anything you throw at me just wait." "Then starting right now if anyone asks, you're my First Lieutenant of the Acting Queens Guard."

"Done," she and Lante shook on it and went on their way. "So should I call you Captain Lante or Captain Lanteveldt?" "Ugh, you know what just call me Lante. I'm still getting use to being addressed as a Captain of a royal guard."

  "Well how are you going to get used to it if no one under your command addresses you properly?" "Alright, alright you can call me your captain only in front of the King or even the sour Chancellor. And I doubt it'll be any more than you and me willing to protect Saliphie but if in any insane chance we do get more recruits then the title of me being your captain stays." "I can work with that." She smiled.

(Soooo sry for keeping you all waiting I was also working on the stories on my second account but I'm gonna keep you guy's updated soon with more chapters in this fanfic. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading:D)

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