Check under your bed

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"Guess how many wraps of tinfoil it took to hold me up".

I turn off my phone and stare at the dark ceiling, songs that I just listened to in animation memes playing in my head. I was writing down all the new information I could find about the people in the hotel and I finished a rough script for my video diary. But then I got distracted on YouTube.

Time flies when you're distracted..

Especially by useless videos that somehow get you to watch them through... like why do I need to know how much tinfoil held you up?

I check my phone for the time before immediately putting it down to stop myself from scrolling more tiktok. It's the dead of night, 2am. I couldn't hear a thing in the hotel. It's pretty rare for that to happen. 

Day or night.

Suddenly I feel extremely thirsty, like I haven't drank water since yesterday. I slowly sit up in my bed, praying that my head doesn't start pounding randomly. Thankfully, I feel nothing. 

No, I feel pretty awake... Shouldn't I be tired?

I grab my phone and glasses off the bed and get out of the room. A cold breeze hits me the moment I open the door and my legs shiver, but I keep walking, knowing I'll get used to it. I stay careful going downstairs, as even though I have my glasses it's pretty dark. Finally taking my hand off the freezing cold metal railing I walk into the kitchen, debating whether I should turn the light on or not.


My eyes adjust to the dark and I open the fridge and take out a jug of water and pour myself a glass. The dim fridge light helps a little. I sit down and drink the refreshing glass, feeling better almost immediately.

Suddenly my phone buzzes, and it catches my off guard. I slightly choke in surprise, but gulp it down and shut myself up to stop making so much noise. I pick my phone up to check what it was, and surprise myself again seeing that it was Test tube. 



Testy: g


"g"? How meaningful.

Did she text this in her sleep? Or is it to see if I'd read it. Or is it a sign? Was she writing something and couldn't finish it in time before...



I run up the stairs to her room, panicking slightly. And it doesn't help when I open the door and find her bed empty.

Where is she?

I walk towards the bed, noticing the string lights she attached on her side of the room, and the fact that there is a portal glowing a pretty deep blue and bright purple from under her bed. All I find on the bed is a notebook and a pencil, with the nib broken off. It looked like someone had slept in it, and the duvet was messily squashed against the wall.

So where could she be?

All of a sudden, something cold from under the bed grabs my leg. I yell loudly in surprise and before I could process what was going on, I get pulled under.

But instead of being in a cramped pace with a ten eyed monster, I find myself hanging upside down. All I see is gray, and a blotch of green, because my glasses fell off. Then I hear some familiar laughter.

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