Author's note

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Hey everyone... It's me again.

Before anyone gets disappointed that the update is just an author's note, don't worry! There's a new chapter right after this. If you don't wanna read all this, scroll to the bottom for the TLDR. If you're remotely interested in the inner workings of this incredibly unreliable author... read on, lol. 

So, I know, it's been over a year since I last updated either of my stories. I am still here, and I want to preface this little life-update/brain-dump by saying that I do fully intend on finishing both The Hunters and Bubbles; always have, always will. I also want to thank those of you who've stuck around through my completely random updates and unscheduled breaks, I really do appreciate your support. I want to give some context though as to why my latest "break" was... so long. And quiet. 

My updates have never really stuck to a rigid schedule, and to be honest, I don't think they will, at least not for a long time. I am currently in my third (and maybe final) year of university, so any writing that I do will be as and when I have the time and energy, which may not be very often. I'm really sorry about this, but I don't want to force the writing, as I want each chapter to feel like it is truly the best that I could put out. 

The last few years have been pretty difficult to bring myself to write. I'm sure many of you can relate when I say that my mental health has not been at all brilliant to say the least. With the cost of living, covid, studying, and picking up the peices from a pretty "unhealthy" relationship, my energy levels were just not there, and I had to prioritise myself and my health over my writing. So, I shelved both of my projects while I worked on myself. 

After a year off, I think I am now ready to try to pick things back up. I'm now in a new(er), much healthier relationship, and I'm working to better myself both physically and mentally where I can. I've also started a small business on Etsy called Lucky Magpie Tarot, where I give a number of different readings. I have a new insta page (luckymagpietarot) and a facebook group (Lucky Magpie Tarot), which you are all free to join/follow if you wish. Anyways, I'm happy now - still struggling occasionally, but for the first time in a while, I can confidently say I'm ok. 

So, I'm back, hopefully for a while. I'm going to do more work on The Hunters, as this is my main project, but Bubbles should be seeing some updates too. And if I disappear again... I can only apologise, but I will always return. 

Thanks for sticking round and checking in these past few years. You've all helped me more than you can imagine. 

TLDR: I'm back - though still with slow/sporadic updates. Last few years were crap but I'm alive and alright now. Thanks a bunch for existing and being here!

Now, back into the book!

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