Chapter 17

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The boys were terrible actors. If it wasn't for how funny it was hearing the mage try and sound like what he thought humans talked like, then Elise would have shrivelled up from embarrassment. Apparently, he was under the impression that human males grunted a lot and frequently said hmm yes. It was so utterly ridiculous that she made him promise not to say anything when she was trying to talk to anyone. Not because she was afraid that he would seem suspicious, (though he certainly would,) but because she knew she might just start laughing the next time he tried to feign a low-pitched voice. At least it took her mind off the painful things, for a time.

Since the mage was carrying his staff on his back, disguised as a greatsword, Elise carried Samson's bow and the boy carried her sword. It made them come across as a bit more stereotypical. Greatswords aren't exactly common, but if they needed to intimidate someone then it was a just a tad more intimidating to the average citizen than a normal-size weapon. Since it was actually a lot lighter than it looked, the mage would be able to swing it around a bit and actually look scary.

They would have to investigate everywhere they had come in contact with, but especially anywhere that they spent extra time in. Unfortunately, they did not know for sure where Pepper had gone when they had split up, but Elise assumed that since she hadn't bought anything she probably spent the day reading. Books were not cheap, which meant there weren't many places they could be found. Places of worship and educational facilities were the best bet.

It would be more time-effective if they split up, but Elise didn't trust the boys to get any valuable information out of anyone on their own. Leaving them behind was an option, but she didn't even bother mentioning it. They wanted to come along, and she didn't want to be alone. What she wasn't expecting though, was for Rell to want to come as well.

Elise wanted to say no, however before she could do so she had an idea for how Rell might be useful. Since one of the places that the mage had visited on their day off was a magic shop in the upper part of town, and none of them looked like they belonged in a place like that in their disguises, then Rell could be their excuse for going in there. Occasionally, a mage would be born to an average family. It wasn't common. Most mages had both parents being some kind of magic user, but it was possible for them to be born to parents who had little or no magical potential. Nobody had any clue why exactly. Maybe magic had as much to do with the spirit as it did with the body. In any case, Rell had a youthful face and if Elise frowned enough, she could make herself look older.

So, their family of three became a family of four. A mother with a bow and a perpetual frown, a somewhat out-of-it father with a big sword on his back, their boy with a much smaller sword on his hip, and their girl who had some magical talent. The descriptions were truly nothing like what anyone would have on them. Wonderful.

"So, why are you looking for information about yourselves anyway?" Rell asked the question in the middle of town, much to Elise's displeasure. She looked around quickly to see that no one was particularly interested in them and let out a long sigh when she was satisfied.

"You know where we just were, and how we had uninvited guests? How do you think they found out where we were sleeping?" Elise asked cryptically.

Rell shrugged. This absolutely baffled Elise. It was so obvious that the rebels must have followed them. Even without Rell knowing Elise's prior relationship with the rebels, the timing made it crystal clear what was going on.

"They showed up not long after we arrived, so, what does that mean?"

It took a frustratingly long time for Rell to finally show signs of understanding. "Oh. Oh."

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