Chapter 1

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"I hate Mondays," Cameron sighs as she twirls her hair around her finger, "they are like ... Ummm...whatever the worst thing in the world is." She isn't the brightest person in the world, but she also isn't the dumbest. She knows her stuff when she wants to. Cami (her nickname) is quite the stereotypical girly girl though. She always makes sure her pitch black hair is smooth, with not a single knot in it. Her nails are always done, and she refuses any activity that will get her dirty. I have never seen her makeup smudged or ruined in the years I've known her.

"Just think though, next Monday we are going on a field trip. One week closer till THAT Monday," Lincoln exclaims. He has always been one to enjoy field trips. He mostly likes the bus ride part and honestly, who doesn't? This guy always has a lot of energy, sort of like a puppy. Always bouncing off the walls, constantly hungry, and making all kinds of messes. His blonde hair is always naturally styled into the bedhead look and his clothes are always rumpled and wrinkled.

"Who really wants to go on a field trip to a stupid museum," Jarret laughed. He has always been a bit of a hot-head and know-it-all. Him and I always butt heads on our opinions on things. I can still tolerate him though. Girls are always attracted to him due to his short, brown hair with natural blonde highlights and freckles along his face. Every night he is hooking up with a different girl. Personally, I have never found him appealing.

"Me! I have been waiting for this trip my whole life!" Autumn says running over to our group. She plunged down onto the grass beside me where we are all sitting just outside of the school. She is our sugar of the group. The sweetest person I've ever met. You can either find her at the library, or hermiting away in her room with her cat. She also isn't hard to miss due to her red hair. She is a very shy person, but she is very extroverted when she is comfortable with you.

"Why?" Is all Quinn could say. Quinn is an insane party animal. On weekends, he is either hosting a party, or going to one. His parents are the typical rich folks that have a mansion in the middle of nowhere and are never home. I don't know if his parents know he has those parties or not, but it is none of my business. You might mistake him to be from the coast due to his surfer boy style. His brown hair almost hangs over his eyes, and his clothes are always way too beachy looking.

"Knowledge. That's why," Autumn snarls. She adjusted her rectangular black glasses farther up her nose. She crossed her legs and folded her hands in her lap. "Thomas agrees with me, right Thomas?"

"You know I do. Don't bring me into this though, I'm trying to ignore all of you so I can focus on my crochet project. This pig plushie isn't going to finish itself in time for my sister's birthday," Thomas replies. He is very crafty and likes to use a new art form every week. Last week he was into ceramics. He doesn't have a lot of patience for people, and hates being interrupted. It's how he stays on track with his art works. He is also not afraid to call people out, which I really admire him for. He is the person you want on your side in an argument for sure.

"Are you excited, Sydney? You have been awfully quiet," Cameron asked.

"It's a day off from school. Why wouldn't I be excited?" I answered. I was a bit of a lone wolf before this group took me in. Since grade 9, I've played on the school soccer team which is how I met Autumn. She introduced me to her friends and 3 years later we have remained friends.

"Because it's a museum. Those are boring as hell. We are in grade 12 now, a museum field trip is lame," Quinn said.

"For the last time, museums are not boring!" Autumn rages. She throws her hands in the air in an exasperated motion.

Quinn nudged her shoulder and she turned and punched him on the thigh. It wasn't a hard hit though, she wasn't trying to injure him.

"Ow! What was that for," he laughed.

"Oh I'm so sure that hurt," Autumn said sarcastically.

"It did though!"

"Ok. Whatever you say," Autumn shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

The day went by pretty fast, but later that day we decided to meet at McDonalds for supper. Jarret, Lincoln, and Quinn came in on skateboards from their baseball practice, while the rest of us hitched a ride with Autumn in her red Volvo. She says she got it because it's the same car Edward drove in Twilight.

"Hola amigos," Quinn shouted as he pressed the back of his skateboard to make the front wheels come up off the ground, "It's been too long," he joked. The sarcasm was really shining through.

"Oh so you're sick of us are you?" Thomas said with a smirk.

"Yes... Very sick of you," Quinn said. Then he burst out laughing. We all joined in laughing. The people inside McDonalds stared through the window at us judgmentally.

"Cheeeese burger for me pleeeeeease, Jarret!" Cami sings, "just cheese and meat though you know the drill. Oh and don't forget the chocolate milk. You know I don't like pop."

"You are an actual child. Can't you order on your own?" Jarret sighed. Cami just shrugged and smirked. Jarret has always been a sucker for Cami, he just doesn't want to admit it. We can all see it though through his tough shell.

We all squeeze into a McDonald's booth with our food and begin eating, chatting away about our weekend plans and about Quinn's party on Saturday night. We are always the first ones invited to his parties of course. We started sharing our favorite songs and what we wanted to hear at the party until Autumn looked off in the distance to the window with curious eyes. We hadn't even noticed how much time had passed until we noticed we were the only ones left in the restaurant, and it was dark outside. Autumn started pointing at the farthest window from our table. There was a very faint reflection of a door with a bright red exit sign above it. It was visible enough that we could see that the door looked like it was roped off with caution tape. The lights started flickering on and off and the beeping of the McDonald's machines got louder. Some of us looked around as to where the reflection was coming from, and the rest of us had our gaze fixed on the reflection.

The lights had finally stopped flickering and the McDonald's machines quieted down. The employees seemed frantic but began to calm down. We all turned our heads to look at each other with blank stares, none of us saying a word. 

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