Chapter 9

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As we stood there frozen in terror, I could feel my heart beat vigorously in my chest. Faster, faster, faster. We didn't know what we were going to do next. As we sat there thinking of what to do, this clown was getting closer.

With each squeak of the shoes, the red glowing eyes were getting brighter and brighter. The six of us leapt up and started to bolt. Not one of us took off in the same direction as another. The sound of the clown shoes sounded like it wasn't coming in my direction, but I tried to think who it was chasing. I didn't have to think long due to a loud scream coming from the direction the clown was running in. It was Autumn.

I quickly put the brakes on and spun around. I started heading in her direction to hopefully help her out. As I run down the long aisles, I run into Thomas.

"Autumn is getting chased, we need to help her," I huff between breaths.

"What are we going to do? Attack the clown?" Thomas asks.

"I don't know, I'm just going to wing it for now until we can think of something," I reply.

Together, Thomas and I run towards Autumn and the clown without any idea on how to help. We didn't see any of the others on the way so it looks like it will only be up to us.

When we find the two of them, Autumn was backed up to a dead end wall with the clown staring at her from the other end. Autumn was waiting and screaming in pure fear, closing her eyes and guarding herself the best she could. Her arms were sticking straight out and I could see her shaking. All the clown was doing was standing menacingly at the other end of the dead end aisle. He was not moving one bit. Just staring straight ahead.

My bright head decided to shout at the clown. I wanted him to focus on me instead of Autumn so I could give her a chance to escape. The clown turned to look at me instead and started walking my way. I backed up slowly to coerce it away. It finally came far enough away for Thomas to run in and swipe up the terrified Autumn. They booked it out of there before it could turn around and catch them. It's focus was only on me though, so now I have to find a way to solve this.

I decided to take my walk to a small jog, just to see if it would keep pace with me. Just as I thought, it did. It started jogging too just a few feet behind me. Then without warning, it started charging towards me. I turn and bolt too without looking back. I was going so fast that I was not watching where I was running until I noticed that the room changed. It no longer looked like I was in the storage building. It now looked like I was in a fun house.

I completely slow down in my tracks to take in the new location. This room had the same faint glow that was enough to make out the objects around. The red and white stripe ceiling was draped like it was a classic circus tent, there were empty animal train cages scattered around, as well as hula hoops and bowling ball pins on the ground. I walk a little bit farther since I notice the clown has disappeared.

Fun house mirrors begin to line the walls as I walk farther into this circus tent. My reflection starts distorting differently as I walk by the many wonky mirrors. I picked up a bowling ball pin to protect myself. I feel my legs shake with every step I take. Where are my friends? Where am I?

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