Chapter 10

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I keep creeping through the awful circus tent trying to find a way out. I continue to clutch the bowling pin tight in my hand. My footsteps are the only sound in this whole place. It is so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"I know you are here you bastard!" I exclaim rudely. I am getting really fed up with this cat and mouse game. "I will find you! These tables have turned, I'm after you now."

I hear no movement, breath, or footstep in response. I spin around in a slow circle to make sure I scan every area. Not a clown in sight. I keep walking forward in hopes of finding anything at this point.

As I walked a few more steps, I began to notice a tall structure forming in the distance. I see a few silhouettes at the base of it with one making its way up the structure. I quickly run over to see what is going on until my whole body collapses down from under me. My face is throbbing in pain and I feel something dripping from my nose. I wipe my face and notice blood is gushing out. I had run face first into something, but there was nothing in front of me. I stick my hand out and feel a solid object beneath my hand. I stand up and as I do, I keep my hand on the object. It just keeps going up. I walk along it to the left and right and notice there is no end to it. It was an invisible wall. On the other side, I still see the structure with the silhouettes all around it. This time, the one on the structure has climbed higher.

"Help! Can you hear me?" I scream towards the group. They made no indication on if they had heard me or not. I continuously pound on the invisible wall as hard as I can hoping to get their attention. There is no hope.

I slump down and rest my back on the wall, with my nose still bleeding down my face. The collar of my shirt is drenched in my own blood. I feel it all over my face, but don't feel the need to stop the bleeding. It wasn't until I looked in one of the funhouse mirrors to see the damage that I realized what the blood looks like. The blood that smeared my face had formed the makeup of a clown. My nose was all red and there were blood stains going up my face from the corners of my mouth. The triangles were formed around my eyes and my teeth were dripping in the blood from it dripping into my mouth. I screamed in horror at the reflection in front of me and quickly tried wiping it off. I frantically look back up into the mirror to see if I got it all off. As I peer into the mirror, my eyes meet the red, glowing, freakish eyes that are staring at me from behind in the mirror reflection.

Once again I screamed and lunged for the bowling pin. I had left it against the invisible wall since I had gotten up in a hurry. I fumbled grabbing it but still managed to pick it up. I rose to my feet and positioned myself to swing. I pulled back the bowling pin like a baseball bat and put all my weight into the swing. The clown turned around to attack me back but just as my bowling pin was about to collide with his head, everything disappeared. My bowling pin collided with a steel beam inside of the clown's head. A loud bang and a thump noise followed after it connected to the beam. A large crack had formed all the way through the pin on impact and I quickly dropped it since my hands were in pain. I tried to shake out the pain the best I could but there was no use.

"What just happened?" I say as I look around. I realized I was back in the storage building again and my friends were all running to crowd around me.

"Lincoln climbed all the way up the storage shelf and got the balloon. He put it right back in the box and shut it. I guess that was the solution," Autumn answered.

"How did you come up with that idea?"

"We couldn't think of anything else since you disappeared with the clown. I see you tried to take matters into your own hands?" Cami nods her head towards the cracked bowling pin.

"Yeah, I didn't know where I was or what happened. I will admit, I was a bit terrified. I don't know how I ended up there. I also don't know why the bowling pin is still here?" I pick it back up and examine it. As I picked it up, I noticed there was something else on the ground. I had wondered where the thump noise came from and to my horror, the answer was right in front of me. A different box was laying, tipped to its side on the ground. Open. It must've been on the shelf that the metal beam was holding up. Not only did I hit the beam, I hit the box onto the floor. I make eye contact with the group with my eyes wide. What was in that box and where did the contents go?

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