Chapter 6

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"It's a mouse!" Autumn exclaims to all of us as we approach her. Thomas is cowering away from it as far back as he can. Autumn is running around trying to catch the poor little guy. His fur on his back is standing up as he scampers around the arcade games. All of a sudden, a cat flies around the corner of a racing arcade game and runs after the mouse. The two of them take off like an episode of Tom and Jerry and we all lose sight of the two of them.

"Where did that cat come from?" Quinn laughs. He must've thought that was the funniest thing in the world because he could not stop laughing. "I'm gonna pee my pants from laughing," he says between laughs, "where is the bathroom around here?" He starts holding the back of his head and I notice him ever so slightly begin swaying. His face furrows but quickly snaps back to a smile.

"Calm down, buddy. It wasn't really that funny," Jarret snaps. Quinn is one person to have a huge funny bone. He finds the smallest of things absolutely hilarious. He always goes out of his way to prank someone at least once a day. At this point we are used to his insane behaviors.

"Wow, aren't you just a fun guy," Cami sasses. I always wonder how we are all still friends. It's shocking we are even though we are constantly fighting.

"Jarret isn't a mushroom, he is a person," Quinn says as he laughs even harder at his own joke. This time, his joke got all of us to snicker and giggle. It was such a bad joke that we didn't want to get caught laughing.

Quinn takes off to find the washroom and the rest of us roll our eyes and go back to the games we were playing. Although I notice Quinn constantly and subtly stumble over nothing as he walks away, I don't say anything. I slink behind him just to make sure he is okay. I pretend to start playing an arcade game just around the corner from where he walks into the washroom. However, from where I stand I can see the washrooms, but they were on the other side of the arcade from where we were. I quickly peek around the corner to look as to where Quinn went.

There was no washroom. It was an exit door strung with caution tape. I gasp and start banging on the door as hard as I could. The rest of my friends came running towards the door to see what was going on.

"Quinn went through the door. He was walking really funny and so I decided to follow him. We have to get him," I let out in one breath.

"It says it's an exit door, he is probably just outside?" Cami says shakily. She seemed very uncertain about what she was saying. I think we all know that this isn't an exit door, we just don't want to admit it.

"Can't we just call the cops? I don't want to go in there," Jarret whined.

"What are we supposed to say? 'My friend went through a strange door in a run down arcade and we need you to come get him'? They will think we are pranking them. We need to go now before it's too late," I seethed. I turn the handle to the door and open it. I look in to find total darkness. I turn on the flashlight on my phone and peer in once again. I look back at my friends and motion towards the room on the other side of the door, trying to tell them to join me.

"No way. I'm not going in there, Sydney," Autumn squeaked. She looks as small as the mouse we saw early as she cowers away from the door.

"I agree with Autumn. Isn't there another way to get Quinn back?" Lincoln questions

"Does it look like we have another choice?" I shoot back, "Let's get a move on before it's too late. If we go fast then we will have nothing to worry about. The longer we wait the farther he gets from the entrance, and the farther we have to go into the room. Who wants that to happen, raise their hand," I sarcastically demand. I am on my last nerve with these people. "Some kind of friends you are." I walk into the door and it slowly shuts behind me. It wasn't long until I heard the rest of them come through the door with me. They each had their phone flashlights on, shining towards me. I can see their faces from the flash from my phone, all with worried looks and wide eyes. I don't blame them one bit. 

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