Chapter 7

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With the six of us crowding in the room with our flashlights on, we begin to look around. The walls remain the ugly pink color just without the posters plastered all over. The floor is also the same crazy pattern carpet that gives you a headache just looking at it. The overhead lights are all out, and none of us can find a light switch to turn it on.

"Quinn are you out there?" Lincoln shouts. His voice echoes in the room and appears to travel down a hallway to our left. We all start inching towards the direction of that hallway to see where it leads to. We need to get in, find Quinn, and get out quickly. Hopefully he did not go too far.

"Quinn! Can you hear me?" Thomas calls this time. Once again, the voice ricochets off the walls and travels down the hallway. We are all shining our light down this hallway now. To our luck, we see nothing but darkness. This hallway seemingly leads to nowhere, so where could Quinn have gone?

We all venture in a straight line down this narrow hallway. It is big enough that only two people would be able to stand side by side with no room leftover. The ceiling isn't low enough that most of us wouldn't hit our head if we would jump, but Lincoln being 6 '3 ft would probably hit his head if he'd jump.

As we travel farther and farther down this hallway, it begins to open up more. It gets wider and wider to the point all six of us could fit side by side now. We looked around the widened hallway and noticed it got somewhat brighter. Lincoln and Cami turned their phone flashlights off to save their battery. The light seems to be coming from vents around the top of the walls. The hallway had abruptly stopped. All it led to was this dead end room like area. How is it that we cannot find Quinn if this hallway has ended?

"Where are we now? It feels like we have walked forever. Actually, according to my phone clock we walked for 15 minutes. That would've taken us to a whole new street block. Are we in a different building now?" Cami questions. She is seeming to be more annoyed than scared now. I notice her tapping her foot in a frustrated pattern.

"I think the main question we should ask is where is Quinn? If this hallway has ended, why can't we find him. Where would he have gone if there is no door or window? We know damn well he wouldn't go through those vents because he is claustrophobic. I'm surprised he was comfortable enough to go down this hallway," I asked puzzled

We searched around the room looking for somewhere Quinn would've been able to escape through. Cami and Jarret knock along the walls, Lincoln looks up at the ceiling for any possibilities, and Thomas, Autumn and I look along the floor for a trap door.

As we are all exploring this room for a way out, we begin to hear a creaking noise. There was no specific area it was coming from. We all freeze and slowly turn to look at each other.

"What's that noise?" We all ask in unison. All of us start rushing around the room trying to figure out where this creaking noise is coming from. We all had our ears pressed against either the floor or the wall of this room until we came to the conclusion that there really wasn't any specific place. I tried to go back to the hallway to see if the noise was there too, but it was gone. The room has closed us in. I started to notice what the creaking noise was being caused by. The room we were in was slowly descending down. 

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