Chapter 4

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The bus ride started getting loud as soon as everyone started fully waking up. I had my Airpods in so I could drown it all out the best that I could. I'm still not fully awake, so I was trying to solve my tired problem by taking a nap. I found that would be impossible from all the noise. Instead I gaze out the window to see the different landscapes we pass by. Lots of small towns and lots of farms. Not a whole lot to see but it is still something to do. All of a sudden, I can hear Cami gasp through the sound of my music. I quickly pick my head up and look over to her and Thomas.

"Why did you draw that?" She exclaims to Thomas.

"I don't know! It just came to me!" Thomas shouts back.

I looked over the aisle to see what it was he drew. I start laughing when I realize what it was. It seemed to be just a very inappropriate drawing of a guy of some sorts. Cami was not having it today with any of us. I'm surprised she didn't laugh with us. Thomas quickly flips the page in his drawing book before anyone else could see. I could see a smirk form on Cami's face which indicates she is feeling better. I knew Thomas would be able to get her spirits up.

"You're disgusting, you know that?" Cami says, still smirking. She wasn't facing either of us as she said it which makes it funnier because we know she is trying to hide her smile. I can see it in the reflection of the window she is staring out.

As i'm still looking at her window reflection, Cami's smile quickly fades and her face seems to pale.

"What's wrong Cami?" I ask her.

"Nothing. It's nothing." She continues looking out the window at the millions of fields in the distance.

I relax back into my seat again until I hear a little voice through the crack of the bus seat.

"What part of the museum are you most excited for?" Autumn whispers through the crack. I look around the seat and it looks as though Quinn had fallen asleep.

"The dinosaurs of course," I whisper back. To be honest I'm not really excited at all for this. I don't like museums, they are kind of boring to me. I only came up with something to make her happy, but it's also not like I'm opposed to dinosaurs. They are pretty cool.

Autumn seemed pretty content with my answer and began to whisper again, "I'm excited for the gems and crystals. They are always so pretty, my favorite are the rubies." Her eyes seem to shine with excitement as she says it. I can tell she really has been looking forward to this trip.

The bus ride continues on, still wild as all hell with people jumping between seats and shouting. I'm surprised Quinn is able to sleep through all of this. Jarret and Lincoln seem to be the bus instigators. I see them throwing things to people on the bus like they are playing football, and some girl already got hit in the head already.

"Calm down, it was only a plastic water bottle." Jarret argues.

"I will not calm down. Everyone needs to stop roughhousing right now. I can't take it anymore!" The girl shoots back. She takes the water bottle and throws it right back to him, seemingly trying to hit him in the head. He catches it without any trouble and winks at the girl.

"Trying to hit me back were you?"

"Uh...Um..." The girl starts. She gets all flustered and sits right back down. She doesn't speak for the rest of the bus ride after that.

"What did I miss?" Quinn says with a yawn. He cracks his back and neck and starts standing in his seat like Jarret and Lincoln are. He notices them throwing the water bottle and puts his hands up. "Over here!"

"You are two steps away from me, bro. That isn't really a fun pass," Lincoln replies holding the bottle. "How about you go long?" He points to the front of the bus with a devious smile.

"You're on." Quinn starts running down the bus aisle, and before the teacher can even stop them, Lincoln throws the bottle. It soars in the air right towards Quinn. He puts his hands up to catch it, but before he could, the bus slams on its brakes. Quinn goes flying backward and hits his head on one of the seats.

"Oww. That was not a good feeling," He says, rubbing his head. He takes his hand off and looks at it. His hand was covered in blood. Some people start gasping, others rush to his aid. The teacher pulls out the first aid kit on the bus and uses the alcohol wipes to clean it up.

"I don't think we can find a way to bandage this up, kid," the teacher begins, "looks like you're gonna have to tough it out unless you'd rather have a band-aid in your hair."

"Nah man, I'll be fine. Don't you worry about me." Quinn sulks back to his seat with a sheepish look and everyone settles down for the rest of the bus ride until we arrived at the museum. 

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