Chapter 11

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All of us start frantically running around this warehouse to find the runaway item. We looked under all of the shelving and at the ceiling in case it was another floating object.

"On one hand I want to know what it is... but on the other hand I do not want to find out," Autumn trembles. She is fidgeting with her fingers and chewing on her lip out of nervousness.

"Well we need to find it and get it back into its box before we find out what whacky shit happens next. I do not want to be alone in another reality... or whatever that was... again. I also do not want any of you guys to experience that as well because what if one of us doesn't make it out safely?" I explain to Autumn.

An uncomfortable wave passes over the six of us as we shift our gazes between each other. Thomas is aggressively tapping his foot, Jarret is running his hand through his hair, and Autumn is still fidgeting with her hands. Cami is pacing back and forth and Lincoln is just frozen in fear. I make the bold move to sit down on the cold, hard, cement floor and hunch over and hug my knees defeatedly.

"How are we ever going to find Quinn if we can't even find whatever came out of that box," Cami sighs. She throws her arms in the air and groans. All of us are starting to get a temper and are losing our patience.

"Well if you actually walked around the building instead of wearing a path into the floor by going back and forth maybe we would find it," Jarret snaps.

"Like you are doing much to help! You are sitting there playing with your stupid hair. This isn't a beauty contest. Don't yell at me to do something when you aren't even trying either."

Jarret walks over to stand over Cami intimidatingly. He goes right up to her and looks down straight into her eyes. Cami cranes her neck to stare right back up at him and narrows her eyes. Neither of them break eye contact for almost a full minute.

"I am going to go look again since it is such an issue that I am not. Since I was SPECIFICALLY called out for not looking like I am the only one with this job and it is not anyone else's responsibility," Cami hisses sarcastically while still not breaking eye contact with Jarret.

"Maybe it is for the best. None of us want you here anyway." Jarret hisses back. I do not understand him and the way he shows his affection. He is doing a really bad job at flirting and he will never get the girl if he doesn't get off this high horse.

Cami huffs and stomps away down an aisle and around a corner. Jarret slumps down and joins me sitting on the floor. I firmly pat him on the back

"That's rough buddy," is all I say.

"What's that noise?" Lincoln screeches. His eyes are almost bulging out of his head and I can see him trembling.

We all fall silent and try to listen for the noise that Lincoln heard.

"It was probably just Cami. She IS wandering around somewhere out there..." he waves his hand towards the direction Cami walked off in, "Probably making noises on purpose so we worry about her," Jarret mumbles not looking at any of us. We can all still tell that he had a sheepish look on his face. "I am actually going to go check on her to make sure she is alright."

Jarret jumps up and scurries away around the corner following the same path Cami took.

"Guys, I seriously don't think it was Cami. I-" Lincoln begins. Before he could finish his sentence. We all hear the noise. Our postures straighten and our eyes begin darting around. The noise sent shivers up my spine and I am sure it did for the others too. I can tell especially that it bothered Lincoln.

"A snake," Lincoln squeaks.

I quickly stand up off the floor and brush myself off. We looked in every direction to see where the noise was coming from. I looked under every shelf in our area and between stacked boxes that are on the shelves. Autumn, Thomas and Lincoln start searching as well. Well, Lincoln more or less. He kind of just stood still and bent over in spot to search under the shelving as well. He was like a tree. Thomas took off to the left and wandered away, while I decided to go the way Cami and Jarret did. They must've gotten far because I didn't see them on my trek.

I begin to hear gentle footsteps behind me and I quickly whip around to see what it was.

"Hi. I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to catch up to you and have a searching buddy. I don't want to be alone and Thomas was already too far gone. Lincoln is also not much fun right now either." Autumn blurted. She gives off the energy of a timid mouse. Super nervous and shy girl. I'm surprised she ever warmed up to our group.

"Yeah of course. You can look around with me. I was hoping for a partner anyway. I am actually really terrified right now but I am trying so hard to hide it. I hate seeming like a coward." I confess, "Not that anyone is a coward here! I didn't mean that-" I sigh defeatedly and hang my head.

"I know what you meant. Don't worry, I am not offended," She puts her hands up slightly to signal she is truly not offended.

We start walking around the giant warehouse to see if we can hear the noise again. We try our best to keep our footsteps quiet so as to not startle the snake and have it attack us. I don't know much about snakes, I just know I do not want one to jump out at me and strangle, bite, suffocate or trip me.

"Where do you think Cami and Jarret went?" Autumn asks after a bit of silence.

"Hard to say. Maybe to make-out or something. I don't know why they act so rudely to each other when they are clearly head over heels for one another," I shrug.

"Wait really? Have they kissed before?"

"I don't know honestly. It's anyone's guess really. I just have this gut feeling there is more there than they let on. I see right through it."

"Hm," is all Autumn says.

We began to round the corner that we left Lincoln at... or so we thought.

"Is this the right aisle?" I ask

"I thought so. The box you knocked over is still on the floor so I assume this is the right one."

"Where did he go?" We look around the nearby areas to see if we can find our currently statue-like friend, but he is nowhere to be seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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