Chapter 1

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Walking through the door Ji Young makes her way to the front desk. "Hello" Ji Young greeted the owner of the photo studio.
He greets her back with a smile "I'll have your photos ready soon. Just give me a few moments for some of them to dry. You're more than welcome to look at the others before I put them in the bag for you". After paying Ji Young makes her way to the back of the store to see her photos.

Ji Young was more than happy to see the photos. She wasn't super familiar with the process seeing that she wanted the owner to develop each of the pictures. She didn't realize that the camera film she wanted to developed were older and were going to take more time. So she appreciated the efforts of this photo studio in helping her out when she could have done it the modern way of scanning or printing them.

Ji Young was flipping through when she looked over her shoulder. "Hey this man looks familiar" the owner trying to talk a longer look at the photos. Ji Young's heart started to panic "I think he's an architect from here" not wanting him to see. Ji Young tries her best to gather the pictures and denying the owner "you must be mistaken." Trying to give him a smile. She quickly takes the photos and put them into a large sleeve.

Thanking the owner one last time before walking out the door. "Thank you again!" Rushing out of the photo studio failing to realize she left one photo that was still on the ground.

The owner picked up the photo and took a really good look at the couple in front of him. Raising an eyebrow he picks up the phone and dials a phone number. "Hey, Jae Won. I have something you might wanna see"

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