Chapter 7

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Minji for the next few days focused on work and tried to distract herself from everything she has been feeling. Not knowing what else to do everyone in her office was concerned about their boss overworking herself. Her PA "Ms. everything ok?" Asking very carefully. Trying to brush it off "I'm okay. Please don't worry about me" giving her a fake smile in which her PA could see through.

Even her friends have seen a change in her mood when she's not distracted with work. Geon even came over to her apartment just to hang out with her. Only for Minji to end up crying over the simplest things such as a video about snow. Excusing herself to the restroom Minji looks in the mirror "You will regret what you did for the rest of your life. You are a terrible girl" Minji talking to herself while Geon listened in on the other side. Geon even brought that up with Rin I and her boyfriend "I think she's gonna lose it if this continues" Geon being worried about his friends well being.

"She's been wanting to her self busy she's even making business proposals for god knows who" Minji has finished all of her needed paperwork for the next month. Minji has gotten back to her routes to her early marketing days. Geon pulling out the proposals from his bag handing them to Rin I and Kyeong.

The next day Kyeong Jun asks Jae Won in the office about the meeting in regards to a potential new client. "Yeah, no I didn't get anywhere with that they canceled last minute." Jae Won said as he was looking over some blueprints. "Well, Rin I's best friend is looking for someone to help plan out a new extension of their company. Some big shot." Leaving a business card on Jae Won's desk.

Kyeong Jun and Jae Won had a meeting with a new client Rin I came through the doors "Hey you guys I brought you lunch" she noticed that they were about to have a meeting so she found a table close by and waited. Jae Won greeted the client as Kyeong Jun walks out and stops in his tracks "Kyeong Jun I didn't know this was your company" Kyeong Jun just looked him up and down "Do you guys know each other?" Jae Won trying to make things less awkward "Yeah" Kyeong Jun taking a seat.

Rin I noticed as well and saw who it was and just gave him a small wave. They all took a seat and got started with the meeting "So how do you guys know one another? Friends, Alumni?" Jae Won making conversation. Their client responds with "Yeah, from long ago"
"You're married" Jae Won asking Min-Soo their potential client
Scoffing "You're kid's already nine months? Unbelievable" Kyeong Jun talking to him in an informal tone. Jae Won trying not to escalate things tries to change the subject but before he could, Rin I stood up and walks over to Min-Soo and hits him in the back of the head. "It was only yesterday that you were engaged to Minji and now you have a baby that's 9 months old!"

"Rin-I!" Jae Won exclaimed out of shock and stands up Kyeong Jun tell Jae Won that he will explain everything to him. "And you looking at Min- Soo's wife. You knew he was having an affair. You must've known he had a fiancé at the time. And you dated." Bringing her attention back to Min Soo "How did you manage to knock up another girl while you were engaged with Minij?!"

"Hey Rin-I, that's-" Jae Won butting in only for him to get cut off again. Min Soo's wife stands up "Does this concern you? It doesn't so why are you acting like this?" Min Soo was about to walk away but before he could get to far Rin-I grab his shoulder making him face her. "Where did you get her pregnant?" Kyeong-Jun tries to get her to back off but Rin I brushes him to the side.

"It was the house you and Minji had in Busan, wasn't it? She saw everything didn't she? That's why she disappeared for three months! Because of what you did to her" now pushing Min Soo and hitting his chest "yes that's right!" pushing Rin I making her fall to the ground.

Kyeong-Jun wasn't going to allow someone to push his girlfriend like that and punches him across the face "you piece of shit" now Min Soo was on the ground Jae Won takes this opportunity to grab Kyeong Jun "The least you can do it apologize to her!" Kyeong Jun yelling at Min Soo who was still on the ground. Rin I grabbed the coke from the lunch bag and shook it walking over the couple. Spraying coke all over them not caring if it got on Jae Won or Kyeong Jun.

After cleaning up everything Jae Won goes back into his office takes the rest of the day off. Seeing a business card on his table he was about to brush it off when he read the name on the card. Kim Minji. "Kim Minji?" why did that name sound familer to him. Then it hit it was Ji Yeong's real name on her ID along with Rin I yelling the same name from earlier today.

The pieces started to fall together "it can't be though. There's no way Kyeong Jun known Minji" he takes his phone out and dials the number. He then stops himself for a moment thinking that he didn't want to call her on his cell phone. Veering over to his left he saw the landline.

Minji was over at Geon's place eating pizza and catching up on the futbol game. Her phone started to buzz and she picks it up "hello? Is someone there?" getting no answer Geon used this opening to take the last piece of pizza making Minji chase after him. She didn't hang up the phone so Jae Won on the other line heard everything. "Hey! I wanted that." Running around the table the TV then turned off "What happened? Where's the remote?" she crouches down to see if the remote had fallen somewhere.

Her necklace feel out of her shirt and now she had both of their wedding rings. "Here it is" Geon handing her the remote Minji took the remote and before she could go back to the game. Geon points out "What is that? Around your neck. Are those rings?" Minij gulped holding on to them not knowing how to even start to explain herself. Jae Won couldn't beleive what he was hearing. It was her voice along with another man's voice too Jae Won hung up. "She was with a guy." He didn't know if he should be angry or sad he didn't want to think of her in that way.

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