Chapter 8

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For that entire night Jae Won couldn't sleep even when he closed his eyes nothing happened. All night he tossed and turned just thinking about Minji or should it be Ji Young? "Ahh!" He yelled sitting up, it was now the morning. Jae Won tossed the pillow across the room and groaned. "She is Rin-i's best friend, Rin-I being Kyeong-Jun's girlfriend. You mean to tell me she was this close all this TIME!?" Jae Won letting his thoughts come out like a can of worms.

His heart fells like it's been slashed and stepped on over and over again. Finding out the love; so called love of your life has been this close without you knowing is a type of pain that is unbearable.  He had to pull himself together and get to work; throwing all of things in the back of the car and just drive. Kyeong Jun and Jae Won sat down to have their morning coffee "Hey you never explained what happened last week. You know, you and Rin I costed us a client." Jae Won sitting back in his chair with his arms folded. "I'm sorry."

"So was...Minji and that guy...engaged to you know" Jae Won stumbling to find the right words. Kyeong Jun goes on to explain how last year Minji and Min Soo were set to get married but then Minji found out about the affair. "When she suddenly disappeared for three months. Rin I was in the UK spending time with her mother, but came back for Minji. When Rin I and I went looking for her at her company she was no where to be found. She was about to step up as the CEO. We just assumed that she was taking a vacation before becoming CEO."

Jae Won thinking of the timeline in his head of the time he spent with Minji. "So did she say anything when she got back?" Kyeong Jun shrugged his shoulders "No, she didn't even tell us why her and Min Soo broke up in the first place. Can't you imagine what she must of felt? Her boyfriend cheated on her, she was thrown into a position on short notice, and she had no place to go. After Minji came back she's become more reserved and kept to herself."

Changing the topic, Kyeong Jun now is trying to convince Jae Won to take this opportunity to make the blueprint for Minji's expansion. It could bring great publicity for their company in just the blueprint alone. "Oh and you gotta stop by her place. We're gonna have a camp out dinner. It's gonna be fun"

"It's at her place?"

"Yeah don't worry I'll send you the address" Jae Won could take this chance to really see if this is the same girl he fell in love with. "So it's okay if I joined you guys?"
"Oh yeah for sure. There's going to be me Rin-i and one of Minji's other best friend Geon" giving more of the details Kyeong Jun hoped that Jae Won would come around and stop by at least at the camp out.

Meanwhile, back at Minji's apartment she had turned her entire patio into a campsite for them for their dinner. Minji was doing some last minute touches on the decor. She turned on the light fixtures while Kyeong Jun was preparing the charcoal grill "I'm gonna go and get the meat" Kyeong-Jun said to Minji as he back was facing him. Inside the apartment, Rin I and Geon were getting things ready "Hey don't tell her we ran into Min Soo today" Rin I warning her boyfriend "I know and why would I?"

Rin I couldn't imagine what it felt like for Minji being alone with those thoughts and feelings "She must have been so heartbroken. She doesn't even bring up his name"
"She has promise rings though" Geon said out loud making both Kyeong Jun and Rin I question him. "There's no way those were her's and Min Soo. I mean come on he broke her heart and knocked up another girl" Rin I trying to think of who it could be. "I mean they are matching rings." Geon also trying to figure out where those ring came from.

Before they would get ahead of themselves the trio just want to find out what's happening with Minji. And why she is keeping so many secrets from them. Jae Won was the last to arrive out of all of them as he got out of the car it was freezing "Damn why didn't I bundle up more. Am I overdressed" as he looked himself through the car windows.

He takes a good look around the area "This is definitely out of my tax bracket" seeing all of the nice apartment buildings and cars that were around him. Sure Jun Woo made good money with his job but it was no where close to what the people living in this area was making.

Everyone was outside sitting around the table as Geon pulls out some liquor for them to enjoy. "Before we open this bottle let me tell you about it" Geon holding the bottle in his hands. All of them groaned at the explanation "Where did you even that bottle of liquor?"

"It was from my cousin Jae Won. He was trying to get over some girl and almost became an alcoholic over her" Kyeong Jun Said "You know the same girl that stole his cameras" Rin I adding more salt to the wound. Minji knew that this was all about her. Now all her friends know how horrible of a person she is and Minji couldn't even talk about it even if she wanted to.

They were all enjoying their time together when a phone call came in for Kyeong Jun "Oh I forgot to tell you guys I invited Jae Won." Minji's heart almost fell out of her chest now she was sweating in the middle of winter. Minji starts to panic as he friend were welcoming Jae Won to the party. Her back was turned because if she randomly walks inside her friends would definitely interrogate her. "First time meeting my friends. Say hello" Kyeong Jun walking with Jae Won. Minji pretended to fix something on her chair to prolong the inevitable. Minji felt her body turn as Rin I introduced Minji to Jae Won "This is my friend Jae Won" Minji was shitting bricks now. Was Jae Won going to exposed everything in front of her friend right then and there?

Instead Jae Won stuck out his hand for her to shake "Nice to meet you. I'm Park Jae Won" surprised at his actions Minji blanked out for a moment and took his hand. Thinking it was a going to be just a handshake but Jae Won held on to her hand tightly "I've heard so much about you Kim Minji" seeing that they were still holding hands Kyeong Jun broke them apart "Okay that's long enough for a handshake.

"So what did you bring?" Kyeong Jun then noticed that Jae Won wasn't wearing his ring and asked about it "Oh that? I threw it out. 'Cause everything about her was fake" It was a low blow against Minji and there was nothing she could do about it. Minji's eyes met with anger from Jae Won she wanted nothing more than to just run away and not ever turn back.

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