Chapter 4

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In her room Ji Young still had the cameras that were Jae Won's. On the day he was leaving Jae Won was in such a hurry he then forgot about them. Ji Young picked up one of the cameras and couldn't help but remanence on the two months her and Jae Won shared. Finally laying out all the photos in front of her Ji Young picked up the photo of herself and Jae Won on their "wedding" she couldn't hold it in anymore.
All the tears she has been holding in just came out like a water fall. She did this every once awhile when she would really miss him. Ji Young would watch old clips of Jae Won on his film camera. It was of of him making two surfboards one for her and one for himself. Seeing these clips more than a dozen times in the past year alone Ji Young couldn't help but laugh at the same jokes or comments Jae Won would make.
The surfboard was still in her room in the corner as a reminder of the good times they shared but also of the time that Ji Young reinvented herself into becoming a more care free person.
Her best friend Suh Rin I, invited her over to hang out and play some games. "Better than sitting alone in my self pity" Ji Young got up and dressed to make her way to Rin I's apartment.

The night was getting fun when they were in the last round of their board game. It was Ji Young and Rin I as the finalist with Kyeong-Jun Rin I's boyfriend and Geon a friend were watching closely to see who would win. Before they could see Kyeong-Jun's phone rang. Talking to someone on the other  end he wanted to see if his friend wanted to come over if he was in the area. "OOO will we get to meet the incredible Jae Won you have been speaking about"

That name made Ji Young almost freeze in her spot. "Hey you guys....I really gotta go"  Ji Young gathering her things. All of them started to say "What why?" "We're just getting started"
"Sorry guys something just came up with work I have to tend to it" Ji Young picked up her coat and things to leave. Running down the stairs to go to her car. Not looking both ways on accident she heard the car stop in front of her. It was Jae Won.

Like a deer in headlights Ji Young didn't know what to do. They both stared at one another for what felt like an eternity. Ji Young didn't know what else to do so...she ran. Taking off she could her the door slamming indicating that Jae Won has gotten out of the car. "Ji Young?!" He yelled for her.
She's trying her best to lose him in the side streets. Booking left and right Ji Young could still hear foot steps behind her. Finding a good place to hide Ji Young stood behind a pillar hoping that he couldn't see where she left off too. Catching her breath Ji Young could hear foot steps but they didn't come any closer. Thankfully she could her them getting smaller and smaller a sigh of relief left her body. Making her slump down to the ground. What a day she had.

Getting back home Ji Young took a much needed bath with a glass of wine. Pondering on her close call she just encountered with her ex just an hour or so ago. "Am I the crazy one?" Referring to how she just took off like that without thinking. Ji Young was a rational person logical at that. She has gotten better at being more spontaneous and less hesitant but it's been so long she was able to do so. Ever since she took on the role after her father retired she has been trying to fill his shoes.

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