Chapter One:

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He lay under a somber sky, lounging on the black tiled roof. Sprawled out like a contented cat. The autumn air cool and crisp, the sun warm on his exposed skin. He let out a satisfied sigh as he stretched his arms over his head before folding them behind his head. It was midmorning, a bell ringing in the distance. He had been lounging there for the better part of the morning, enjoying the sun's warmth. Without warning a small stone plunked off the roof near him, the next stone hitting him square in the chest. He winced, sitting up slightly, another stone hitting him in the hand.

"Who the hell is throwing shit at me?" He barked as he sat up, peering over the edge of the roof. Below stood a young man with messy dirty blonde hair. He was holding a small collection of rocks in his hands.

"You are up there" he said gleefully. "Good morning Hendryk!" the latter shouted. Hendryk clicked his tongue in annoyance before he rolled over on the roof, his legs dangling over the edge. "Come down!" the latter shouted. Hendryk leaning into his hand before he sighed through his nose. William Graygale. A young man who attended the Ashen Enclave alongside him. Pushing himself off the edge of the roof, as he fell, he twisted his body through the air, rotating before calling upon the magic of the wind to soften his landing.

"I figured I'd find you here" William chortled. "Seeing as you were missing from this morning's classes" The Ashen Enclave was unlike most other colleges and schools that dotted the land. It was a fortress, the home of the Ashen Order, a group of knights and paladins who deigned themselves the defenders of humanity. Bunch of bleeding hearts if you asked Hendryk, just a bunch of men and women bleating out worthless drivel regarding the greater good and all that nonsense all while wielding swords and powerful magics. Defending the weaker of their kind against tyranny and devils' spawns. Demons and monsters. Which made it unusual for someone like him to be here. Being part demon spawn himself. Not like it was some sort of secret, everyone knew given the black curling ram like horns and tail that adorned his person. Nevertheless, he was born into the Order, son of a high-ranking knight within the Orders inner most circle. Perhaps that was why he was allowed to stay. Not that he cared, humans were fickle creatures at best. And this William Graygale was fickle as they came.

"Was tired" Hendryk deadpanned, forging a more detailed explanation.

"Makes sense! You just came back from a mission, right?" William pressed. Though close in age William was still but a student amongst the Ashen Order, still training to become a knight. While they both had grown up together within the Enclave alongside many other boys and girls Hendryk's bloodline had him reaching milestones far before his peers. Though he had not yet been formerly made a full-fledged knight of the order yet. He was still considered a novice or fledgling, though Hendryk believed the reason he was being kept from formally joining the Order was his own bloodline. Again, not that he cared. Though he grew up here in the enclave and amongst these people he had little love either. But he supposed that was normal, given the lack of love he received in kind. He was still an outsider to them, someone who did not belong.

"Well don't leave me in suspense! What did you fight?" William pressed eagerly.

"Just a bunch of Ghouls in a graveyard. Nothing special" Hendryk murmured. Truly while dangerous and deadly to your average human what with their leather spindly bodies and long claws. Ghouls were nothing special, just a few sparks and magic and a silver sword and they went down rather easily. He was often given simple missions like Ghoul culling, seeing as everyone else had better things to do apparently.

"Ghouls? How many did you kill? They travel in packs, don't they?"

"I wasn't keeping track" the demonic youth responded with a sigh.

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