Chapter Five

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Hendryk watched in shock as the man's form rippled, his skin and clothing tearing away revealing a lanky leathery body. The creature hissing loudly, the noise drawing the attention of those around it. The music in the tavern stopped as the people of the tavern began to panic as two other individuals suddenly transformed into grotesque creatures. The creatures burst from their human shells with an inhuman shriek. Hendryk swinging his tankard of ale at the creature, catching it on the side of the head, the metal denting from the hit. The struck creature squealed in rage before it lunged at him. The half demon jumped back, narrowly avoiding the creature as it crashed into a stool. The wood splintered under its weight. Pandemonium erupted around him, the human patrons of the tavern fleeing, spilling and tripping over each other in their haste.

"Hendryk!" William shouted from across the tavern. Hendryk glancing in his direction before he was tackled by another demon, its heavy body colliding with his own, the two tumbling backwards across the wooden floor of the tavern. Hendryk grasped it by its face as he was pinned under it, holding the creature at bay as it snapped its jaws at him. He then drew up his legs and kicked out hard, kicking the winged horror off him. He then rolled quickly to his feet, ducking under a swipe of claws from another as he drew his sword. A sudden burst of wind erupted behind him, knocking the creature away from him. Looking behind him he saw William making a gesture with his hands to summon forth his magic. The rest of the young men recovering from their own shock and surprise. One of the winged horrors launching itself at the group, the young men meeting it head on. Sparing with magic against it, their hands aglow as they leveled magic at the creature. Hendryk turned his attention from the boys to focus on the other two demons. The creatures picked themselves off the ground, hissing at him before they flew at him. Hendryk letting out a breath before he raised his free hand, holding up two fingers as they ignited. He then traced his glowing fingers along the blade of his sword, igniting the metal. Hendryk then twirled his burning sword in his hand before he met the creatures head on. With a swing of his blade, he cleaved one of the creatures in half, the other swinging at him. He ducked under its swiping claws before he thrust his sword forward. With a mighty flap of its wings the demon leaped backwards, avoiding his blade. William quickly came to his side, moving his hands as a green energy gathered there.

"Help the others" Hendryk ordered as he yanked down his hood in order to see better. William hesitated before he nodded sternly. Running towards the group of boys. Again, he returned his attention to the demon before him, the creature staring at him with large eyes, its long tongue lulling out of its razor like maw. The demon then flapped its leathery wings and launched itself at him once more. Hendryk braced himself, holding his burning sword before himself. Parrying the creature's claws with his sword he pulled back his fist and swung. Colliding with the creature's skull. The demon lurched to the side as it was hit, Hendryk followed up with a kick to the demon's midsection. The creature stumbling back from the blow as Hendryk rushed it before he was blown backwards by a gust of wind from the beating of the creature's wings. The youth's feet lifted off the ground as he tumbled backwards through the air, with a twist of his body he caught himself on the bar top. He then rolled to the side across the bar as the creature swung at him, the wood of the bar splintering as its clawed hand collided with it. With a downward swing of his sword, he severed the creature's arm from its elbow. Its blood stained the floor as it wailed.

"Damned...spawn!" The creature wailed, its words warbled and wrong sounding. Hendryk drew back his blade before he lunged in again, pulling back his sword before he swung hard, taking the creature's head next. Its head hit the floor with a wet thud. At that moment the boys finished off the third demon. Its body hit the ground hard, their blood staining the wood. Hendryk caught his breath and with a swipe of his blade he dispelled the fire before sheathing his sword.

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