Chapter Twelve

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Hendryk supposed he should thank whatever merciful deity deigned to grant them succor in the form of them being teleported within a half a day's walk of civilization. He should, but he wouldn't. Despite him being raised by clerics and paladins he didn't count himself amongst worshipers. Nevertheless, by midafternoon they found themselves amongst others traveling the road. The population of people and buildings grew denser the further they went. The dirt road giving way to pavement and then a long wooden bridge before they entered a bustling city. Which city Hendryk hadn't a clue, but from the lettering on the signs that he could still read he could conclude that they were still in Apricitie. The architecture was familiar as well, reminding him of his home city Centro Dei.

As he walked alongside Phennyk, both their hoods drawn as to keep from attracting unwanted attention. Kit, the white fox had shrunk in size and was nested in Phennyk's arms. He chose not the comment on Kit ability to change shape and size. Hendryk just took it in stride. He had a feeling he'd come to see stranger things the longer he traveled with Phennyk. He supposed he could stop someone asking them where they were, if he had been better at dealing with people he might have. Instead, he continued to wander the busy city, taking in the sights and sounds. A city crier calling loudly as they wandered past, Hendryk pausing to watch as the young man accosted people with pamphlets of paper. Perhaps the name of the city was somewhere in the pamphlets. Deciding it worth a shot he approached the loud man, a pamphlet being shoved unceremoniously into his hands in exchange for a silver coin. Phennyk approaching him as he opened the parchment, scanning its contents. It was mostly political drivel, but the city name was there as well.

"Civitas Spei" Hendryk read aloud. He'd never heard of it. They must be some ways from the Order City then. Looking up from the pamphlet he peered around the lively city street. "Come on" he said to Phennyk and Kit, the two mutely nodding before they followed after him. Hendryk leading the way deeper into the city, he didn't want to say that he was wanderingly aimlessly, but he was. Currently he had no leads or plan for what came next. He supposed next should be finding a place to hunker down for the night. He led the way down a less crowded side street.

"Do you have some sort of plan or are we just aimlessly wandering?" Phennyk inquired, deadpan as usual. Hendryk huffed in response as he walked. The streets got more narrow and less crowded as they went.

"I'm just looking for a place to settle for the night, okay?" he groused, looking over his shoulder at the latter. "Unless you want to sleep out in the cold you-" he cut himself off as he ran into something hard. Wincing, he stepped back, raising a hand to his head before he fixed his attention before him. A lumbering man standing before him. "Yeah, sorry about that" he muttered as he moved to go around the man. He stopped when the man sidestepped into this path, Hendryk's irritation mounting. He was far too tired and sore for this sort of thing. "Move" he ordered lowly. The man raising a hand and giving him a hard shove by his shoulder. Hendryk taking a stumbling step back.

"Go back the way you came from kid" the man growled. Three other men lingering behind the ringleader chortled in response. Kid? He was short, he knew that, but he wasn't that damn short.

"Listen, I'm not in the mood for shit right now. So beat it" Hendryk barked.

"Mouthy kid" a lanky man chuckled as he approached them, his hands in his pockets.

"Last warning" Hendryk warned, his fists clenching at his sides.

"We could just leave" Phennyk deadpanned.

"Not now Phen" Hendryk snapped. The latter wrinkling his nose at him from under his hood. He knew they could reasonably leave; nothing was stopping them from turning around. And it wasn't like he was itching for a fight. Perhaps turning back was best. Relaxing his stance, he clicked his tongue. "Fine, let's go" he groused turning on his heel before e meaty hand laid on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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