Chapter two:

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He didn't search for his father immediately, instead choosing to roam the enclave. He was pacing an outer wing of the building, passing by others knights as he toed at a loose cobblestone. He wasn't sure why he was dragging his feet, it's not like he worried what his father might have in store for him. The man was very mild mannered, come to think of it he wasn't sure he'd ever even heard the man raise his voice. When morning passed into the afternoon, he decided it was time to locate his father. He had an idea where to find him and began to amble his way there. He imagined his father would be in the inner most part of the enclave, huddled around a table with several other jack offs in the inner circle. But to get there he would have to be granted entry to the hall that leads to the inner sanctum. Which meant he got to harass his favorite pair of knights. With a chuckle he hurried along, scampering through the corridors.

"Hey handsome" Hendryk called as he approached a pair of knights, meandering outside of a set of large double doors. He watched in delight as the men in question shuddered, turning from each other to give a disgruntled look in return. The two were twins, much like Tannick and his own father, with swept back dark hair and perpetual five o'clock shadows. They were tall, their lumbering builds hidden behind heavy plate armor.

"Hendryk" one of the twins groused. The other frowning down at him. Their ire only amusing Hendryk further.

"Oh, don't be like that" Hendryk bemused as he paraded up to the older men. "My old man in there, big guy?"

"Brother Kristoff is inside the inner sanctum yes" the other knight explained curtly. The younger still not put off by their dismissive tones.

"Wonderful, I need entry. I was summoned"

"I haven't heard anything of the sort" one of the two muttered. Hendryk smiled at them as he folded his hands behind his head.

"You did though, just now" he mused. "I'm telling you" He watched one of the two bristle, the other placating them with a hand on his shoulder.

"Leave it. Just let him pass. The inner circle will handle him if he misbehaves" he stated. The other nodding slowly in response. The two grasping the handles of the doors before pulling them open. The hinges creaked loudly as they opened. Hendryk waiting for the doors to fully open before he stepped forward, his hands leaving the back of his head and falling to his sides.

"Thanks, good looking" Hendryk mused giving the two men a sultry wink as he passed. The two men grunting in annoyance as he let out a laugh. The corridor was long and wide, its walls lined with stone pillars and imposing statues of knights. Beyond the crackling and popping of the wall sconces the corridor was quiet. That changed as he neared the end of the long hallway, a litany of voices echoing the chamber. As he approached another set of heavy wooden doors he paused, listening for a moment before he lifted a hand towards the handle. With a twist he opened the door, again its hinges creaking as he pushed it open. Some of the voices quieted while others continued to speak. Beyond the door was a large circular room, a study round wooden table in the center of the room. Surrounding the table were men and women gilded in armor, speaking diplomatically amongst each other. He eyed the room closely, finding his father seated at the table. Like Tannick, he was blonde with fair skin, his wavy hair swept back. A well-trimmed beard adorning his jawline. He was wearing armor gauntlets and greaves but wore a simple dark tunic instead of his chest plate. As he approached his father seemed to glance up and notice him. A smile crossing his face.

"Ah! Hendryk" he mused before he stood up to greet him. "I've been waiting for you" he bemused before he ruffled his head. Hendryk grunted as his hair was tousled, lightly slapping his hand away. Kristoff didn't seem to mind, merely chuckling in response. "I've heard you did an impressive job cleaning up those ghouls"

"It was just ghouls" Hendryk groused. "What did you want? I know you didn't call me here just to dot"

"Walk with me" he said suddenly. Hendryk cocking his head in confusion as the man stepped past him. He watched him head out of the chamber, passing through the threshold before he moved to follow after him. He jogged lightly to catch up to him, falling into step alongside him. They walked a short distance down the corridor, neither of them saying anything. When they reached the middle of the corridor his father stopped and turned to face him. Hendryk stumbling to a stop.

"You'll be turning nineteen soon" His father said suddenly. Honestly Hendryk was surprised he even remembered how old he was. He wouldn't say his father was negligent, just grossly absent.

"Yeah and?" the latter pressed, lifting brow at him.

"I suppose I'm just being sentimental" his father said wistfully. "Soon you'll be joining the order as a full-fledged knight" somehow, he doubted that. He doubted the Order would allow a half breed like himself to formally join the Order even with his father backing him. Not that he cared.

"Is this going somewhere?" Hendryk sighed, crossing his arms. He grimaced when his father ruffled his hair once again.

"You've always been blunt Hendryk. Allow an old man some sentiment" he chuckled as he threaded his fingers through his silver hair. When he removed his hand, his hair was a mused mess atop his head. He frowned at him, but allowed the sentiment, for now. He watched as his father gave him a smile, wide and beaming

"Though I am getting ahead of myself. I know it will be some time before formally joining the Order. From what I have heard from your tutors you still have much to learn" his father giving him a knowing smirk. Undoubtably he'd heard all about how often he skipped his lessons. Hendryk rolling his eyes at the man.

"But I didn't call you here to lecture you" he added. Instead of commenting Hendryk crossed his arms and leaned on one leg. "Rather I called you here to give you something" his father claimed, Hendryk perking up as his father reached around his waist. It was only then that he noticed two swords adorning his belt. One of them familiar to him, the longsword his father used faithfully. Made of silver and always at his father's side. The second blade was unfamiliar to him, shorter in length but no less imposing. It's embellished pommel and cross guard gilded in silver. He watched as his father held out the sheathed blade before him. "Think of it as an early birthday present" he chuckled.

"That's a silver sword" Hendryk said skeptically. Of course, he had one already, a basic blade for culling monsters and the like but its craftsmanship was nowhere near this blade. It was a blade fit for a knight or paladin; a blade fit for a member of the Order.

"I know you are not yet a member of the Order" His father began. "But I felt it time to gift you with a blade worth wielding" he added with a wink. Hendryk swallowing before he reached out hesitantly, taking the blade. Its weight was near perfect in his hands. Slowly he took the pommel into hand, the fit just right. Like it was made for his hand alone. Carefully he partially unsheathed the sword, his reflection in the blade staring back at him.

"I...I don't know what to say" He murmured. It wasn't often he was caught off guard like this and left speechless. With every passing moment he felt more and more overwhelmed. His father let out another chuckle, his large hand ruffling his head once more.

"Just keep working hard" His father chortled. "Who knows, maybe one day I'll be welcoming you into the inner circle" he teased. The youth snorting in response as he sheathed his sword.

"As if I'd want to join a bunch of old farts" Hendryk quipped. Slapping his hand away, his father could only laugh.  

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