Chapter Nine:

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If he was being honest, he'd never treated someone else's wounds. He knew how to treat himself when needed, superficial wounds such as bruises and cuts. A head injury was beyond his meager expertise. He figured its best to staunch the bleeding, unraveling the roll of bandages he had packed when he'd left home. His work was sloppy at best though he was able to keep it tight as he wrapped Vaalyun's head. Once he finished his work, he remained crouched there by the downed man. Now what? The elf grunted softly before he began to stir. The man's green eyes fluttering open, blearily looking up at him before he let out a groan. "So, this is how it ends..."

"What?" Hendryk responded dumbly. "Stop being dramatic. It's just a head injury"

"Hendryk?" Vaalyun murmured in confusion. Who the hell else would it be? "You...have horns?" the man questioned before he sat up slowly, grunting in exertion. Hendryk blinking before he reached up, feeling his hair and horns under his gloved hand. His hood must have fallen off when he was fighting. Vaalyun propped himself up on his elbows, his face wrinkled in concentration as he looked at him. He then shakily reach his hand out and roughly grasped one of Hendryk's horns. The half demon wincing in response before he slapped his hand away. "Yeah...those are horns" he murmured before he fell back against the ground, wincing. "If you are going to kill me demon, make it quick" he deadpanned.

"Will you stop being stupid?" Hendryk groused. "Can you stand?" When he received no answer, he leaned over the elf. The man having closed his eyes again. He must have passed out again. He let out a sigh before he rubbed his head. Well, this was fantastic. He huffed through his nose before he moved to gather Vaalyun onto his back. It was more than a bit awkward considering Vaalyun was taller than himself. That and he still had to bring the head of the werewolf with him. The walk back to the town was going to be a long one.

The walk was as grueling and cumbersome as he had imagined. Vaalyun wasn't exactly light despite his lithe appearance. That and the walk down the mountain was mostly downhill, his thighs were burning from exertion by the time he reached the town's edge. "Ugh..." He heard Vaalyun groan behind him the rouge turning his head until his face was pressed into the side of his throat. Hendryk lifting a brow from under his hood as the man continued to mumble. "...Smells good" the wood elf rasped, his breath hot against his neck sending tingles down his spine. Hendryk bristled in embarrassment at his own reaction. Honestly this walk couldn't end fast enough.

The town was quiet and dark as he trudged through the streets, making his way to the tavern. Once he reached the threshold, he shouldered his way inside. Surprisingly the tavern keep was still awake, standing behind the counter polishing its surface. The man looking at him in shock as Hendryk dropped the werewolf's head on the floor with a loud thud. "Y-you did it" the man stammered. "Where are the others?"

"Dead" Hendryk deadpanned as he trudged further into the room. The man hurriedly meeting him halfway. "Is there an open room?"

"Yes, yes. This way hurry" the man said quickly as he ushered him towards an empty room. Hendryk carrying Vaalyun into the room before he deposited him on the bed, half dropping him into it. "I-I'll go wake the town doctor" the man stammered before he raced out of the room. Hendryk watched him go before he sat on the edge of the bed. He glanced at Vaalyun from under his hood. The man slumped across the hay mattress, the bandages around his lose and falling off. When the doctor arrived, he moved out of the room. Leaving the doctor to his work. He found the tavern keeper cautiously examining the severed head of the wolf laying on the floor by the door.

"I'll take the bounty now" Hendryk deadpanned. The man startling at his approach.

"Y-yes! One moment" the man sputtered, almost tripping over himself as he made his way behind the bar. "I can't believe you actually killed it" the man said in disbelief as he began to root around behind the counter. "I mean, you really are from the Order then" Hendryk ignored his yammering and patiently waited with his hands on his hips. The man suddenly holding out a small leather pouch. When he took it was heavier than it looked. Good. He stood there for a moment, holding the pouch in his hand before he sighed. Right Vaalyun. Clicking his tongue, he opened the pouch and began to count, splitting the bounty, placing half in his own coin purse. The rest he left in the given pouch for Vaalyun. He then tossed the bag onto the counter before the confused man.

"The rest is for the man in the room. Understand?" he murmured. The man nodding briskly in understanding as he took the pouch hesitantly.

"Y-yes of course!" satisfied, Hendryk gave a brief nod before he began to head for the door. "W-wait, you aren't going to stay the night?" he paused in the doorway. He considered it, for a moment. He was tired, aching even. But he decided against it. He cast a glance over his shoulder, looking at the closed door across the tavern, the room where he had dropped Vaalyun off in. Without another word he left the tavern, venturing into the night.  

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