Chapter Eleven:

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Hendryk stared up at the demoness standing in the shattered window. An armored hand gripping the edge of the frame as she peered down at them, a crazed smile marring her face. Her molten gaze alighted with mirth and delight. Hendryk didn't feel he needed to ask if this woman was a demon, it was rather obvious given her devilish appearance. "So, ah...friend of yours?" Hendryk chuckled in inquiry. The latter responded with a frown.

"No" he deadpanned.

"Oh, how I've waited for this moment" the women screamed. "Waited and toiled" she added with shrieking laughter. "Waited for you to slip from under the yoke of that vile Order. Waited. Waiting. Patiently" she cooed. Hendryk fidgeted, uncomfortable by her manner of speaking. His hand drifting to the hilt of his sword to rest. "And now you have led me to your blood kin"

"Blood kin?" Hendryk inquired, tilting his head. He then cast a look at the similar looking youth alongside him. Did that perhaps mean what he thought it meant?

"My mistress will be most pleased, yes! Yes! Yes!" she squealed.

"Alright we get it, you're insane" Hendryk barked back.

"It barks so sweetly" she cooed. "How I can't wait to rip that tongue from its mouth, mistress does not need tongues-" the women's inane rambling was interrupted by a volley of magic. The blast erupting in the window kicking up a cloud of smoke and dust from the rubble.

"You don't wait, do you?" Hendryk chuckled as he glanced at the man beside him, the dark-haired stranger slowly lowering his hand.

"...she was annoying" he deadpanned. The two looking up once more as shrieking laughter emitted from the dissipating cloud of dust. As the dust settled the demon stood still in the window, unscathed. Her tail lashing wildly behind her.

"Yes! Again! Again! Again!" she screeched before she suddenly jumped from the window, lunging through the air at them. Hendryk dived out of the way, rolling across the stone floor ending in a crouched position. Looking up he saw the stranger had dodged as well as he was crouched on the floor some distance away from where they once stood. Hendryk's attention was pulled away by the screaming laughter of the demon as she made another dive at him. He quickly moved to his feet and drew his sword, her claws crashing against his blade. The force of her collision caused him to slide backwards before he was able to brace himself against it. His arms trembling with exertion as he held her back. She was stronger than she looked. Glancing to his left he watched as the stranger pointed his palm at them and fired off a blast of magic. The women suddenly leaping back and flying away causing Hendryk to stumble forward. Quickly he raised his arm and erected a shield of magic to parry the blast from the stranger.

"Watch it!" Hendryk barked at the other.

".... You're in my way" the latter stated. Hendryk growled at him before he was distracted by the presence of the other demon in the room. Whirling around to face her as she hovered in the air, her wings beating behind her. The women pointing a finger at them as a red energy began to whirl and collect at the tip of her finger. The silver-haired youth bracing himself as she fired off a volley of magic towards them. Moving quickly, he began to run, diving and jumping out of the way of each blast that came. The magic cracking and breaking the floor apart with every blow. As he busied himself with dodging, he caught the stranger out of the corner of his eyes, firming off an inferno of magic. The women pausing her assault to swoop out of the way, the blast leaving a crater in the wall. The demon women shrieking with laughter as he shot through the air, diving at him yet again. Hendryk skidded to a halt to brace himself, raising his sword in front of him. Again, they collided, his boots slipping across the stone floor before coming to a stop. The women cackling in his face as she pushed her claws against his sword.

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