Chapter Three

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He spent the better part of the afternoon admiring his blade, lounging on the pedestal of a statue of the Lady of Ash. The patron goddess of the Ashen Order. He reclined there, his back against the boot of the statue, one of his legs propped up on the pedestal's edge while the other dangled over the side. His sword held out in front of him, partially unsheathed. Violet eyes staring back at him in the silver gilded edge of the blade. He studied the faint runes carved into the blades mirror like surface. He admired the pommel and guard of the sword, embellished though keeping its cross-like shape.

"Hendryk!" a voice called. Hendryk pausing in his examination, tilting his head towards the sound. Across the gardens courtyard he saw William amongst a group of other boys. Some he recognized from class. He never really bothered to remember their names, seeing as they weren't particularly welcoming towards him. But he was in a good mood, without a word he sheathed his sword and rocked onto his feet before stepping off the pedestal. He met William halfway, crossing the courtyard unhurriedly as William pranced up to him. "You didn't come to afternoon sparing" William whined.

"Was busy" Hendryk responded. He was expecting William to whine more about him, not showing up, but surprisingly he didn't. Instead of prattled on about something else.

"Are you coming with us tonight?" he asked suddenly. He heard the other boys try to hush him as they approached.

"Quiet, before someone else hears you" another hissed. William chuckling in response.

"Going where?" Hendryk inquired skeptically. William crowding closer to him.

"We are going into the city tonight" he whispered. Hendryk quirking a brow at him. Leaving the enclave was forbidden to novices and trainees. Though the Order was situated in the of the city of Ekenguard, its towering stone walls separated the city from the enclave. Hendryk had of course been given leave of the enclave on a few occasions to attend to his missions. To him the city was nothing special.

"Why?" Hendryk pressed in a bored tone.

"We want to go to the Feysong Tavern" William whispered. "We overheard a few of the upperclassmen talking about it" he added quickly. So, they wanted to play in a tavern? Truthfully, he had never been, he only traveled through the city at night to get to his destinations. He never stopped at any of the local sights or taverns. "You should come with us"

"What? No way" another boy protested.

"We need someone to get the gate open to leave" William clapped back. "And Hendryk here can get us through the gate"

"And just how do you purpose I do that?" Hendryk murmured. The gate was guarded, he was only allowed through when he was leaving for a mission.

"Forget it William" a boy quipped.

"Brother Lance and brother James are guarding the gate tonight and they always leave their shift early, before the shift change comes! That's when we are sneaking out" William explained hastily "But the gate is heavy, we need help pushing it open, just enough for us to slip out" Hendryk sighing in response to his pleading. "Please brother Hendryk" oh so now he was pulling the brother card.

"Fine, I'll open the gate for you. But I'm not going" Hendryk bargained.

"You're the best!" William mused. "Okay tonight, we will meet up shortly after sundown! In the courtyard!" he explained as he was pushed along by the other boys. "Don't forget! Sundown!" William called, the others hushing him loudly. Hendryk shook his head, releasing a sigh before he ran a hand through his hair. How did he get roped into things like this? Clicking his tongue, he turned on his heel and began the trek to his room. Unlike the rest of the initiates, he didn't stay in the dormitory wing. His room was located in the weapons and reequipments wing of the enclave. In sort where most of the junk was kept. Not that he minded, it was quieter there in his lonely little tower bedroom. He imagined the dormitories to be loud what with all the young men and women running about. No, he much preferred his quiet tower where he could get a good night's sleep.

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