chapter 1

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I wake up and great another boring day. time to do my daily shit which is

wake up
flip people off
eat breakfast
flip people off
eat lunch
flip people off
get detention
flip people off
drink chocolate milk while listening to Clyde's miserable love life
and last but not least...flip people off

getting pretty boring if you ask me..

the Clyde's love life by the way everything else is still pretty awesome and I'm not planning on changing that because I hate stuff changes.

I get up change clothes wearing my usual outfit and eat breakfast while flipping my sister and mom off dad was at work so instead I flipped off a picture of him that we have

i then rode the bus and was  sitting next to Clyde while he talks about his crush and how they'll never be together because his crush is "too cool" for him and that type of shit.

honestly I don't hate it when Clyde talks about his crush it's just upsetting to see that Clyde doesn't believen himself enough I mean Clyde must be blinder then a blind person because his crush looks at him and hangs out with him alot and I'm sure as hell his crush likes him back.

anyways I like my day being the same no changes and I did say I don't like changes but I do want to have at least one thing new.. I mean gotta be honest calm and boring is awesome but I want a new spark to be added or maybe give me something ass so I know I don't want new shit.

we get off the bus and I already wanted to leave school. I don't know how some people go to school with full energy. I just wanna go home and lay in bed or do something fun.

I go to class and it's as boring as usual and a new student has been introduced but I don't really focus on who it is because I just want to sleep so that's what I do I take a nap during class and surprisingly the teacher didn't wake me up so... that's a win honestly

next class I actually paid attention in it because it's science and we're talking about planets and you must be a psychopath if you don't like planets or anything space related.

after that class it was lunch time so I went to go eat lunch and I was on my way to get food and Clyde kept bothering me on how I get no bitches and how emo I look and he playfully pushed me but he "accidentally" pushed me too goddamn hard so I accidentally fell and bumped into someone and they fell and their food fell on the ground

I open my eyes to see a goth looking blondie Infront of me and he looked at me pissed off and flipped me off while mumbling something then got up and walked away but I didn't do anything all I did was stare at him for awhile and not gonna lie.. he seemed familiar.. I kept on thinking to myself until Clyde screamed into my ears saying that he didn't mean to push me too hard and it made my ears bleed but I just flip him off, get up, get food and eat

next class I was bored again so I went to nap and it was a pretty nice nap until I saw the same blonde again.. it's odd because I swear I feel like I know him and he looks very... pretty..

he then held onto my hands and said "Craig." it threw me back his voice kinda sucks not gonna lie but then he said it again "craig!" I was confused on why he said craig but then he took a deep breath and yelled loudly "CRAIG"

I jumped from my seat and notice that the teacher was the one screaming in my ears


Blondie (CREEK) (TWEEK X CRAIG) (BOY X BOY)Where stories live. Discover now