chapter 29

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maybe the idea of a sleepover at Tolkiens wasn't such a bad idea after all

next day

I woke up and I'm still in his arms, I tried moving away but he held onto me tightly and I didn't want to wake him up so I decided to stay still but I was twitching a bit so I was a bit worried it would disturb tolkien but so far so good.

We stayed like this for awhile so I started looking around his room and it has changed since the last time I stayed over, his room is still pretty nice but definitely needs to be more organized and needs more stuff

as I keep looking around i feel his grip soften and I look behind me and find tolkien slowly Waking up and he looks at me then smiles

"morning tweek.." he said and I turned a bit red but I spoke up "MORNING TOLKIEN!" I yelled out then covered my mouth but tolkien doesn't seem stunned from the sudden outburst and just chuckles

he then says "well looks like you have a bunch of energy today" he chuckles and sits up then asks me "you hungry? breakfast should be ready by now" I nod and smile

before I can get off the bed tolkien quickly jumps off and he gets in front of me Bowing down and letting his hand out for me to hold it "your highness."

I roll my eyes and take his hand and get off the bed then he 'guids' me to the kitchen and pulls the chair away so I don't have to pull the chair back

he's trying to be a gentleman and I find it funny so I find myself chuckling and then just go along with it and sit then he sits and there's food on the table for us and after a bit I get a cup of coffee his dad knew I was staying over and that I drink coffee so he made me one

I look at tolkien and I feel slightly nervous then ask "this is okay right? like I'm not causing any trouble or anything GAH! right?" "HM?" Tolkien was eating his food and just noticed that I was nervous, he swallows his food quickly then says "yes I'm 100% sure and when you used to come over my parents always liked you and the gang, I mean if my dad didn't like you he wouldn't have made you coffee right?"

I think for a moment then yell "WHAT IF HE IS TRYING TO POISON ME?" Tolkien shakes his head while smiling "tweek my father would never do that especially to you and he's not that kind of person" I feel myself calming down a bit then start eating and drinking the coffee

the coffee tastes tastes different then the coffee at tweaks bro

we eat and enjoy our time together but good times have to come to an end.

I stand In front of his house gate and we say our goodbyes but before I could leave tolkien asks "do you.. want to hang out tomorrow at my house again? it was fun hanging out with you"

I think for a moment and nod "yeah it was fun.. sounds good we can hang out at your place tomorrow, sorry I couldn't stay longer I have to help my parents with the shop"

Tolkien shakes his head "it's okay tweek, good luck at work but.."

I tilt my head in confusion then tolkien says "what if I help you with work? that way it would be easier and we could still be hanging out"


I start pulling on my hair and tolkien quickly holds my hands and pulls me close to him and he looks at me sweetly "tweek..your not forcing me and if I don't like working I can just tell you. I won't lie to you at all and I won't get bored I can assure you"

I turn a bit red while looking at tolkien then think for a moment and say "alright you can come work with me." Tolkien gives me the biggest smile and I just look away while being red

we went to the shop and started working and I was helping out my parents doing taste tests and taking orders and surprisingly tolkien was so good with the customers and the customers would tip us extra money then usual when tolkien would serve them

we kept chatting when we didn't have anything to do and when I started panicking he'd comfort me and help me out and let me tell you he is the sweetest person I've ever met in my whole life.

we kept working for so long until it was closing time and we finally closed the shop

I look at the time and notice how late it is then look at tolkien "I owe you one, stay over at mines?"

without any hesitations tolkien quickly says "yeah that would be nice" I smile and tolkien takes my hand and says "come on your highness let's go to your castle" I chuckle and say "okay then knight"

we went to my house and my bed was smaller then his but he didn't seem to mind he just grabbed me and jumped on the bed and held onto me then fell asleep

I stay awake for a while thinking about the whole day and tolkien and the genomes. I knew they were out get me so I made sure to stay away but..

Tolkien kept holding onto me and I felt comfort in his presence and found myself drifting into sleep

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