chapter 3

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"I have to know about that blondie."

is something I said to myself and I got ready ate breakfast blah blah blah flipped the mail man off was in bus listening to Clyde about his crush and Tolkien talking about his girlfriend while jimmy talk's about every bitch he pulled. anyways BOOM SCHOOL!

I go to school while walking with Clyde I keep looking around "are you being stalked or wtf are you doing" Clyde said to me

"nope just looking around oh hey look your crush is over there"
"WHERE!?" Clyde screamed and ran away
"well that was easy" I said to myself and went to class and I started doodling on my paper and I accidentally drew the blondie.

god why do I keep thinking about him? it's actually insane.

after a few classes it's lunch time but I told Clyde I'm gonna get us better food then the cafeterias and he bought that lie because in reality I'm gonna go to the Goths to try figuring out who the blondie is.

I start walking quickly trying to go to the Goths thinking of all the questions I should ask. while thinking I bump into someone and fall and what a surprise.. it's blondie again

"f-" "I've seen you before." I cut him off and when I say those words he seems shocked and he looked kinda happy? it's hard to tell when he just seems pissed off and Upset but his face expression seemed.. more relieved

"in a dream" his face expression changed back into being pissed off but I still kept on talking "you refused to tell me your name.. but I know it was you. so tell me.. who are you?"

when I said those words he seemed rather.. Upset and he got up and he started walking away but then paused and looked at me

"don't fucking talk to me." is what he said then he looked away while still walking away

I was confused and I yelled



no response.. he just stood still for a second then kept walking away..

i just sat there Confused but get up and start thinking if I should go back to Clyde or follow the blondie or meet the Goths..

that's a very hard choice..

Blondie (CREEK) (TWEEK X CRAIG) (BOY X BOY)Where stories live. Discover now