
I kinda feel like I'm living my worst nightmare here. Locked in a library of all places without any games or even any friends. Just with a kid who apparently hates me.

I don't know why she hates me though. We bumped into each other earlier, but she hasn't even said anything about that. I don't think she even recognizes me. It's not like she stopped to look at me and memorized my face.

She's been ignoring me ever since we agreed that we're actually trapped in here. She just sits in the corner with some book she found while she was wandering around. That leaves me to try to entertain myself.

It's hard to have fun in a library, surrounded by books I don't want to read.

The floors are all carpeted, but I still drop my skateboard on the ground and try to scoot it around as best as I can. The girl lets me go on with that for, like, ten minutes before she flips her lid at me.

"Oh, my God. Stop doing that." She snaps on a scoff, shutting her book loudly.

I blink at her from my spot on my knees on my skateboard, already prepared to push myself across the carpet with my hands on the ground. I smile at her. "I'm having fun." I reason. Barely.

"Well, stop. It's annoying."

"What the hell else do you expect me to do?" I question on a laugh. "You won't try calling your parents back."

She huffs. "We should wait for someone to come in. Someone's bound to." She reasons. I don't think someone will. Why would they?

I sigh and decide to give her some mercy, climbing off of my skateboard. "Fine." I hum. It doesn't hurt to humor her. "What're you reading?" I ask on a second deep sigh as I step over to her.

She watches me until I stop in front of her, looking up at me from her spot in the floor against the wall. "The Outsiders." She answers.

I squint. "The Outsiders?" I repeat on a laugh. "Seriously? You're doing homework?"

She rolls her eyes at me as she opens her book back up. "It's more than homework, dumbass." She grumbles dismissively.

I cock my head back. "Why do you hate me?" I curiously ask.

Her eyes drift back up to mine. "Did I tell you I hated you?"

"Didn't have to." I laugh as I gesture down to her. "Your attitude tells me. Ever heard of actions speak louder than words?" I slowly ask.

"You're annoying, that's why." She sighs. "You're also friends with bullies." She adds with a scrunched nose like she's disgusted.

I start to frown. "My friends aren't bullies."

Her expression turns dry. "They're bullies."

I scoff quietly. "They're not." I insist. "They're nice. And—You know what? They're nice to kids like you."

She shuts her book again. "You see? That's exactly what makes you a bully." She decides as she quickly starts to stand up. "Kids like me? The hell does that mean?" Her hands land on her hips and she raises a brow.

"Nerds." I offer on a shrug. "Kids who look like they don't have any friends. You don't have any friends, do you?"

Her jaw drops. "I have friends!"

"How many?"

She snaps her jaw shut with a sharp huff. I smile and gesture at her to answer. "Plenty." She grumbles.

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