
I sort of already expect the ache in my neck and back when I wake up, so it's not really that much of a shock. What does turn out to be a shock is the weight on my shoulder and the little spot my head ends up resting.

I lift my head, but don't dare to move anymore more than that. If I do, I'll probably wake her up. And knowing her, she'd probably not be cool with the fact that we apparently used each other as pillows all night.

At least neither of us ended up laying on the carpet that's probably gross. She'll be happy about that much.

I let out a breath and glance around the room, trying to move as little as possible while I do. Nothing much has really changed—Obviously. The lights are still off, but light from outside shines through the tinted windows around us. We don't really need them on anyway. I shut my eyes when my stomach growls a little loudly. I shared some of those cookies with Mallory yesterday, but I let her have most of them. And, unfortunately, those cookies were all I had with me.

We might really be at our last resort then. I'm not afraid to call the emergency line, but I guess Mallory does have a point. It does sound like an awkward call to make. I think I'd rather make an awkward call over starving though.

I think I sit here for almost an hour before I finally feel Mallory moving beside me. I keep still though until she lifts her head from my shoulder just in case she isn't really waking up.

I sit awkwardly when she shoots away from me like I'm on fire.

Slowly, I start to smile at her. "Good morning." I greet, finally taking my chance to stretch a little bit. Mallory huffs at me, slowly looking around the room to confirm to herself that—yes—we are still in the library.

She sucks her teeth with an unsatisfied look. "I need a shower." She mutters, glancing over at her backpack. I frown at the fact that she doesn't return my good morning.

"It does sound nice." I agree as I watch her dig through one of the small pockets in her backpack. After a second, she grimaces and takes out a little tin. She opens it and grabs a handful of little mints from it to pop them in her mouth. Then awkwardly holds it out to me. "Oh," I grimace a little bit too but reach forward to take a handful like she did.

Not as great at brushing your teeth, but I'd take a bunch of mints over absolutely nothing. Mallory seems to feel the same because she sighs and closes the little container to slip it back into her bag. "We need to figure this out." She groans, getting right to the point after just now waking up. I don't blame her. I've been thinking about what we should do this entire time.

"Yeah, so I was thinking." I nod. "There's probably a fire escape door in here." I point out. I'd be surprised if there wasn't. "An alarm might go off, but we'd be gone before someone gets here to do something about it."

Mallory still looks tired as she looks off to the side to think. "Do you think we'd get in trouble if they catch us on the cameras?" She asks.

I chuckle. "A couple of days of detention seems a lot less scary than staying here for another night."

She frowns still.

I sigh deeply as I start to stand up from the ground. "Just another option." I mutter as I start going down the hall. She doesn't answer me.

We really should've tried that door the second we realized we were stuck in here. There's probably an alarm that would go off, but so what? At least then I wouldn't have spent the night in our school library.


The phone rings, and rings, and rings. And no voices are ever heard other than when Mallory gets their voicemails. If it ever makes it to voicemail.

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