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There was no news about Lavanya for weeks. It felt like she had disappeared from the face of earth. Whole Delhi,the outskirts was searched. But Lavanya Kashyap had disappeared. Police even speculated that she designed the accident to escape. Or run away. Because there was no sign of struggle in the car. It felt the driver had knowingly crashed it..And the signs showed through the seat arrangement,that it was not a pregnant lady. Because there was no finger print on the car. No sign of any sprays used on the victim. No nail marks,no finger prints of Lavanya on the backside. It was just the passenger side. That its. Arnav did not tell it to anyone,even her parents. He kept quite. And waited for further investigation. But damn,it hurted. The wife of ASR,left with someone willingly. That too when she was pregnant. If it comes out,then there would be many questions. His share price would fall. His respect,name would take a fall. People would call his family names. Many would raise fingers on them. Questions about his marietal life would come out. He tried his best to supress this news..

Still few got a scent of it. And stood outside Santivan,outside AR to question him. Aman Mathur,being the efficient manager,handled it. Anjali was mess. Thank God,his Jija ji returned from his trip. He handled her well.

Arnav had to find out the issues. So he hired private detective to find things. And what he found shook the foot beneath his ground..

Aman and Arnav sat,in the office room,in silence. No one spoke a word. As the detective sent by the firm he gave order,worked around his cabin to Remove spy cameras and recorders. He looked at them stunned. How long has it been that he had been spied? Who was it? Then He recalled the renovation of AR after his marriage. It was six months back. Thank God,he had a habit of changing the bid in last minute. And he leaves important documents in his pent house,on the top floor of the office building. The decisions are often taken there,for confidentiality. It was Aman's idea and Arnav liked it. It saved them from big losses..

As the detective finished removing,Arnav declared the office to be closed for a day. The piles of spy gadget told him,someone very close to him had a hand in it. They knew very well who  was the contractor. And used it in their benefit.

On the other side,a girl smiled,looking at Arnav through the CCTV camera. It was hacked.

"Its time we meet again,Arnav Singh Raizada"she said as she smiled..

"Its time for payback. For what you did to me and my family"she said,her voice bone chilling as if she had crawled out of hell..

Anjali sneezed and shiver at the same time..

Arnav was doubtful about Lavanya. Was it her? Must be her. Only she was an outsider in his life. Everyone else was a faimly. His Sister and brother in law were so kind. Then his Mama,Mami,their children,Akash and his wife,Payal and NK. They were his family. They were good people. Why would they harm him..

But somehow a seed of doubt was planted..

Aman smiled watching it. What he doubted was far more than that. He did not trust the so called kind people of Raizada family. Why,he did not know. But somehow it felt,Arnav was just a tool for them. To use as they please then discard it..

He hoped,in all this,Arnav would be safe. But who can tell it. Only good people would survive. But with scratches..

"Poor Lavanya..She married Arnav to help me. But now,when she is pregnant,she is going to get a share in the huge family property of Malliks. And her unborn child would be the owner of it all. So you have to say goodbye to your life. But before I end you,I want to taste,how pregnant women feel like.."a voice whispered somewhere laughing maniacally. Lavanya woke up from the bed she was sleeping somewhere with a chill..

On the other side,someone else too sat,with a laptop infront of her. As she hacked into the secrets of some crime organisation.

"I am sorry Mr and Mrs Kashyap. But your daughter did this on her own. She was the one who wished to work with evil people. Now she has to pay,for the evils to end"she thought as she recalled Mr and Mrs Kashyap,the parents of Lavanya who were genuinely worried for their daughter,unware of the dirty deeds of her..

"Who would have guessed,even Mrs Raizada is not satisfied with her husband in bed. And is seeking a partner outside. Poor Arnav Singh Raizada. Was going to be the father of someone else's child"she laughed as she twirled in her chair childishly. Donot know why,still that man could make her smile..

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