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"You,why are you doing this? You are not like this. You are kind person. Please donot touch me. Please leave me. I am pregnant. Please"the screams of Lavanya,at first of disbelief,then with horror,rang out of the room she was in. It's was a lonely building in a rural area. And there was no one within miles to help her..

"Lavanya.. You should have never messed with me. You should have followed the rules. Marry Arnav. Then feed him slow poison given to you. Then kill him when his sugar levels fluctuations cannot be handled. But you became pregnant. You stopped adding poison to him food and water. You stopped my work. Now you have to die"the other side laughed diabolically..

Lavanya gulped. She did not tell anyone they she was actually adding poison to his meal. But a different one. It would push him towards his death. But first it would blind him. Then take his senses. So that the child of her would be the true heir of Raizadas. But little did she know,Raizada family was not a family of humans. But a layer of vipers.

"Please. I am Pregnant. It's a sin. I would kill him. And leave India. Without turning back. Please leave me. Please."begged Lavanya as she watched the other person undressing..

There was no answer except loud laughter to her pleadings. Lavanya Kashyap saw hell on earth before she fell dead. The person strangled her with a thread and left.

Soon,few people came. Her body was put on ice. Then they started cleaning traces left by that person..

After a night of hardworking,finally the group had left,with the dead body of Mrs Raizada,and the fire burnt the house,to ashes. As it was made of wood, leaving no traces behind. But no one noticed the little birds that sat around the house. Were they birds? May be. May be not..

The woman in her office wiped a drop of tear escaping from her eyes. No matter what kind of person Lavanya was,no matter what she did. No one deserves that kind of thing. But she knew,to unmask those demons hiding behind perfect masks,she had to stay quite. It was needed.. Still she made a promise to herself. Soon.. Soon she would shoot those monsters dead..

After two days of her death,some people found the body of a woman,in bad shape. With the police help,soon it came out as Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada..

Arnav stood still as the body of Lavanya was put down on the pristine floor of Santivan. The white marbles glared at him. The body had already started decomposing when found. After post mortem,it was warped in plastic bag. Still Arnav could feel the woman,with whom he spend nights with. The ultra modern clothes,the classy make up,the nude lipstick,the branded clothes,all were in the cupboard. But the person lied there,warped in a plastic bag. Covered in white sheets that cost nothing but few thousands bucks. Then she would be burnt in mortuary. Few hundreds worth wood would burn her to ashes. And few hundred worth pot would keep her last remains..

The rest of the family were crying. Only Arnav stood there. As everything passed. Akash was very busy with arrangement. Aman was outside taking care of things. That man,no matter how much he requested,never stepped inside Shantivan. Still he was helping him. From outside. Hustle bustle was going on. Many came and left. Some looked at him with sympathy,some with pity. Some hid their faces behind handkerchiefs and wiped their eyes. Some came to enjoy the scene. Some stood in groups and were talking with each other. Mr and Mrs Kashyap sat nearer to her. Mrs Kashyap was crying bitterly. Mr Kashyap wiped his eyes countless times. His Di was leaning onto jiju and crying. Nani,Mami,Mamaji,all were sitting together in grief. But all Arnav felt was silence..

What happened in these two days that made Arnav so silent? Mystery to solve..

The last procession of Mrs Lavanya Raizada was grand. The pyre of funeral burnt higher and higher. As Arnav stood,watching the fire,he felt like running away.

Yet again he felt her..That chime of anklets as she ran. And he closed his eyes. To see her face. After a long time,his eyes shed a drop of tear. Aman stood beside him as he heard a sniffled voice. Was it an illusion or Arnav just wishpered Khushi?

The day passed. Police confirmed it was a murder. Arnav fainted once. Soon he was admitted to hospital. Aman paced outside as the doctors inside worked hard to purge out the poison in him. Thankfully it could be removed with right treatment..

Things were changing. Aman strictly ordered no Raizadas to be informed about Arnav's health. Donot know why he just did not like those two faced people. Even his Nani. She seemed to be a dubious person to Aman.

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