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"Leave it. Aman donot worry too much about what I said. I am not a feminist. I just see life practically. See,if a husband would come back home,after job and spend his time with his family,then he would not become small. Rather than running away from things,it's better to solve it right? If a woman would stop hiding things in her,and bravely tell them. That you are hurting me,then what? If they take it for granted ,it's their insincere love. But she told you,right? Aman. Life is simple if we take things simply. Life becomes complicated if we complicate it. Okay?"said Khushi looking at the gloomy man before her.. Actually she was worried about him. Something was bothering him, distracting him. She could feel it.

Aman nodded as he took the cup of coffee from Khushi. She had already prepared a cup of instant coffee for him..

"Khushi.. I have come here with a request.."Aman said,as he felt the silent gaze of Khushi on him..

"I want every detail about Arnav and what happened to you. With as much as possible proof"Aman blurted out and looked at the mug feeling the chill in the atmosphere..

He was scared to look at the young girl infront of him. Because he knew her. He knew she might snap his neck at that moment and throw him to fishes to eat..

"And why is that?"gone was the friendly tone. Now a cold voice asked..

"Khushi..ASR wants to kill them. And then kill himself. He cannot be so selfish. He needs to survive for you,for both of you. And it can only happen if we show him,what happened to you. And what are they actually"said Aman in a single breathe and took a deep exhalation..

"So? If he wants to kill. Let him do it. What should I do?"said Khushi with non cohlance and turned away towards her desk top. There was a new mail on it..

"Khushi..It's Arnav we are talking about. Not some criminal or mental patient. He is Arnav. Your Arnav. How can you act like this? I expected a little seriousness from you atleast now"said Aman aggressively..

Khushi turned her chair fully towards him and got up..

"Mr Mathur.. Who Arnav? Which Arnav? Do you see me wearing any marietal signs? Do I look like a woman married to him? Am I his mother? His sister? Daughter? Who am I to him? He could not even see my sincerity throughout time. Even a little bit. All he saw was,I was not there. When he wanted,I was not there. And it made me wicked. It made me characterless.. Aman,I know very well whatever he made me in his head. Whatever he described me as. I would leave after the criminals of my parents are punished Aman. I am not going to care about that damn man anymore.. And if he thinks it's the end of the world then let him think. I would give him the gun and let him shoot whoever he wants and die along with few criminals"said Khushi,her tone as calm as before..

"Aman.. Aman.. "Khushi shook him awake.. Mr Mathur was lost in daydream of Khushi infront of her. He had imagined this scenario so much that he was hallucinating it..

"Khushi..Are you not angry?"blurted Aman in daze..

"Ha..Ha..Why would I be angry with you if you look skeptical about my home? Aman.. What were you even thinking. I am not going to snap your neck for judging my room man.."Khushi talked casually as she sipped her coffee..

So the question he wished to ask,he never asked. Aman sighed in relief..But he knew he had to face it. And overcome it..

"Khushi..Would you please share with me the details of what happened to you? And your parents? And Arnav's family's reality..I want Arnav to face it all now. See,he is already broken. Nothing can break him more. He would only overcome it,after facing the truth.. Would you Khushi?"Aman asked as he kneeled down before her,taking her hand in his..

Khushi gulped. She knew a day would come to this. Actually she too wished for it. For Arnav to know things then decide. She would leave everything on his hands. Whatever he decides,it's his choices..

"Aman.. I can share with you Arnav's family drama. But my incident,why would you like to let him know?"asked Khushi..

Aman could feel her fingers trembling. He gulped. He could face the roaring lioness. But this girl was too broken.

"Because Khush..I want to see you both together. Happy. I want to see you smile again. No,not like this. From the bottom of the heart. I wish you and Arnav to marry. Live happily"said Aman gulping down the lump in his throat..

The secret he had been hiding. The feelings he had for Khushi.. The smiling angel of his.

"But I donot want it Aman. That egoistic man,he would hurt me again. Can you understand Aman? Silliness and ego,these are different matters..And what about you? What would you do Aman? I had come back to this land,for only one reason. That is let go of the past and move on.And to marry you.."Khushi said looking away from Aman as she spoke her fear. She knew she was getting weaker,weaker on her resolution to not care about Arnav. She loves him. It's eternal truth..

Aman smiled with tears. The way she avoided looking at him told him,he had never taken the place than Arnav had taken in those few days. He knew it. But damn. It hurts..

"Khush.. Do you know why I dared to call you back? I dared because ASR was married at that time. I knew that man. He loves his commitment more than anything. So I had no fear. And I would have left with you after this was over. But as we walked. In these eight months,Khush.. All I feel is.. You are like a handful of sand. Slowly slipping away from my hands. I want to clutch it. I want to pull out a bag and take you away. But Khushi,would you be happy? Knowing that Arnav was in pain,that you were given a chance. That he deserves an explanation at least. Would you be able to sleep peacefully in nights? No right. Because Khushi. You are Khushi.. You cannot make anyone sad. You would die slowly. I donot want that. Take the risk. Let me show him. I would not tell him about your presence here. But would tell him the truths. If he chooses you and survives,then Khushi talk to him. Okay"said Aman,as he put his head on her lap..

Khushi was crying. Aman could feel her tear drops on his nape. Aman was crying. Khushi could feel his tear on her thigh..

"Okay..I will..But Aman. Tell me when it hurts okay. Donot overdo things to be great. You are a human. You deserve time to heal..Okay"Khushi said as she kissed the forehead of the man she loves. Yes she loves Aman Mathur,but as a family,as a companion..

Aman smiled. He knew,after this storm,he would get a lot of time to heal. As they would too..

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