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"Damn that ASR. He escaped again"someone said and threw a phone to the wall. It crashed and fell down..

"Cool..He cannot escape always. A day would come,even death would stand in our favour. And he would be out. Knocked out"another occupant said as the drinks swirled in the crystal glass,in the VVIP room of a club..

The few others too raised there drinks. In hope to cheer up their mastermind..

But they did not know,it would be soon their downfall..

Arnav gulped hearing the familiar voices from the other side. He had a very hard time believing that the people whom he considered close,were doing this to him..

"Aman..Can you arrange a licensed Gun for me?"Arnav asked the next day when Aman came..

Aman was shocked..

"ASR. Calm down. It's not the time to think about this"Aman tried his best to calm the roaring lion down..

"No Aman. This needs to stop. They are too far gone. After killing them all,I would shoot myself. You arrange the papers. I wish to donate all my property to Government,for welfare purpose. Draw strict clauses. So that nothing,no a single penny of it would be misused and would go to the pocket of those politicians. You see it through. Aman do it..I am going crazy.."Aman looked at the man before him,gulping down the overwhelming pain. He had never seen Arnav like that. No he had seen him once like that. When he realised that Khushi left. But it was not to this extend. This man was actually crazy..

"ASR. Why do you care so much about them? Leave them. We have already informed Crime branch to deal with them. You donot need to care about them. Just heal and wait. Okay"Aman tried to calm Arnav down..

But Arnav was not ready to listen. He was hurt. Hurt by the betrayal. A wife whom he thought he could at least have a life with,was a cheater. She slept with some people he dared not imagine and the child in her womb was not even his. And them,what to say about them? He trusted them with everything. But all he got was,backstab..

They played so beautifully. He laboured hard to build that empire. And underneath it,they used it to build their power. And when they became strong enough,they started to plot his death. So that they could use his legally accepted business for their shady business..

How foolish he had been..He should have never trust anyone. It all comes back to back bite him..

Aman looked at the man standing looking at the bustling city. Gone was the man who could decide any matter in seconds. This man was broken..And he hoped against hope,now the last thing,Khushi could fix him. No,both broken souls can fix each other and survive. That is all Aman hoped..

So Aman Mathur decided something. He had to prepare ASR. So that before he faces Khushi,at least he knows. Truth that Khushi did not leave him behind. Khushi had to leave. Otherwise who knows what he would do..

After calming Arnav somewhat,Aman left. To prepare the things needed. He knew only Khushi could help him with it. Because only she knew what happened back then. Even he was unclear about many things. He prayed for a miracle. That Khushi would accept his request. That she would hand him those old files and videos to show to Arnav. So that the truth beneath the layers would come out..

Aman was afriad. Arnav was already so broken with this much. When the old stories comes back,the real truths come out,he would be broken. But it's necessary. He has to learn,he never had any well wisher. He was actually feeding group of snakes. Nothing more,nothing less..

So Aman Mathur knocked the door of Khushi Gupta..

Khushi was surprised to see Aman in her apartment. She had just shifted there,for this mission. She had been chasing this syndicate for long. But never considered their actual layer to be in this posh city, capital of India.

"Aman.. What a surprise.."exclaimed Khushi looking at Aman as he stood at her door step..

"Thought to visit you as you just shifted.. Should I leave?"Aman asked peeking inside,as if hinting her that he was not there to intrude her privacy..

Khushi laughed and pulled him along. Aman looked at her home. A tiny apartment with a lot of mess. Papers here and there. Scattered things. A mess..

"Khushi..Are you really a woman?"asked Aman incredibly..

Khushi laughed looking at his comical expression..

"Aman..It's the condition of every single girl if they live alone. We just put effort in things,from simplest cleaning to cooking,for our loved ones. Otherwise we are same with boys too. Do you know,Girls never call their boyfriend to their rooms? Because they donot want them to see the mess. Aman,it's not a problem of mess. It's a problem of psychology.. If boy's room is expected to be a mess,then why not girl's? We expect them to learn things early. Learn cleaning,cooking,and caring.Then too they have to fight the battle of society. Fight for survival. Aman. We are very partial towards these beautiful beings called women. Just because they are soft,they cry,are atuned to everything. We take everything for granted."said Khushi as she sat on her chair..

Aman sat on the sofa,with clothes piled in a corner. He sighed. Khushi was right. He knew it too. But change,where would it begin? From whom?

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