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"Would ASR be all right?"someone queried..

The other person laughed a little. But there was a tinge of sadness in that laughter..

"All right? How would he be all right? After knowing that the ones he loves,with all of his being,are actually nothing but blood sucking vampires. That they wish him to die so that everything would fall in their hands? Just feel lucky that he is alive"the voice said..

And the other side kept quite after listening to it.

"Then why don't you take him away? Why did you leave? Without any words? Donot you love him?"the man questioned..

"You know why I left. Even with leaving too,I could not save my parents. They still died. Right before my eyes. Now my body is disfigured. I cannot be a mother. What should I do with him? Would Arnav Singh Raizada be able to love someone like me?"the other voice,the voice of a girl,a little hoarse with emotions spoke..

"Khushi.. I donot know about Arnav. But this needs a closure. Come out. Face him. Tell him everything. Show him. Then let him decide."said Aman as he leaned on the bed of his room..

"I would Aman. But only after I have finished this mission. They would have to face hell on Earth,for the things they did"said Khushi as she leaned on her chair..

Both chatted for a little longer. Khushi still was watching things from the monitor. It was the hospital where Arnav was at that moment. He has forcibly told Aman to go home,to rest. Khushi watched as someone sneaked close to him room. She smirked and pressed a button..

A woman in nurse uniform felt it,the jap of electricity and looked around. Then she walked towards the VIP ward with a tray. When she saw the man sneaking close to Arnav's room,she waited. Waited until he was inside the room.

The man pushed the door open. But there was no one on the bed. Actually Aman had long transferred Arnav to another hospital. There was no ASR there at all. But all the Raizadas, even the security of ASR knew,Arnav was inside..

As the man looked around,searching,not hearing the sound of water from toilet,he wondered. Then he looked at the window. But it was closed too. Poor man forgot he was on the 36th floor of the building. Just as he was getting confused,he heard a sound of door being opened. He sighed. So ASR had gone out.

But he saw a nurse. The nurse smiled at him,politely.  And moved closer.

"ASR is not here Mr Assassin.. But you won't be able to leave."she said as she walked past the man..

Her voice was barely wishper. But the man under the mask got chill..

As he put the hand in his pocket to pull out the gun,she had already had his neck in her hand. And she jabbed a syringe filled with tranquilizer,in his neck..

He felt his body going numb slowly. And fell down. She smiled. One gone. Many to come. As she pulled out the mask,she smiled. Still the same old. Dirty face. Can a handsome man be there atleast..

As she sat on the bed,playing candy crush,few guards rushed in. They took the man with them and left. The girl too got up. Now again her looks perfect. Just like the special nurse of VVIP ward. She walked back towards her seat and opened her desktop..

In the black screen there was a few words..

One,two three..

She closed her eyes. There were few more guests she had to welcome. Just how many enemy did that damn rich boy had..

Even though he was handsome,she knew very well,her boss had her eyes on him. And he was not her type. She liked to pamper the little cute boys. He seemed like a person who has arrogance deep within. Only her boss can handle him..

She prayed for him. Because she knew,that sweet smiling angel called boss,had a giant devil inside. And she wished he would show his tempers there. And face the consequences to it..

Ha ha..

Can it happen?

No one knows..

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