Jackson Wang ~

137 10 58

18 October, 2023

12:00 am



I was walking towards the abandoned building in the middle of the night where some men of other gang were waiting for us.

What they were waiting for? For a drug deal? Yeah probably for a drug deal! Well I don't know why I sacrificed my lovely sleep just for this drug deal. It's not like I love sleeping. It was supposed to be my holiday after my mission but I had to come here on the order of the "Main Dealer of our Gang" as I come under his unit.

This deal isn't even that much important. And they can also Crack this deal in our office or over just a call but nahh they called "The BEASTS " to sign this deal. As I was walking with other men of my team , I reached the room where the head of the other gang was present along with his other men.

Author's Pov:-

"Why you came here Jackson?" Andrew the head of "Islamic Gang" asked the said person named Jackson.

"Of-course To sign this Deal Andrew. Why you was expecting The BEASTS to show up and sign this mere deal of your?" Jackson asked Andrew who was quite surprised and angry at the same time after seeing him here.

"Yes, I was expecting them to be here cause I want to Crack this deal with them and it's a very important deal which is very profitable for your gang." Andrew said with not so pleasant face .

"Important my foot..." Jackson said scoffing before he continued to talk further..

"Stop playing this game Andrew. We all know that this deal isn't 1% profitable for our Gang and YOU just started your gang last year. You're still new in this field dude so stop playing your silly tricks to win over our Empire and get on track cause everyone knows that no one can win against our BEASTS so drop your fucking act and do your given work properly as your gang also come under our Empire." Jackson said.

"No, I will kill You and your BEASTS. Then I will rule this Empire. " Andrew said with full anger dripping from his voice.

"Keep dreaming Andrew." Jackson said after rolling his eyes as he was so getting so done with Andrew and his mere plans of winning their Empire. It was the 5th time he tried this shit.

Jackson made his way towards the door but as he was about to exit the door; Loud firing of gunshots started. Men of other gang attacked Jackson and his men from all sides.

"You started this shit by your own Andrew so be ready to pay it off by giving your life." Jackson said to Andrew before he started to attack Andrew and his gang with his men.

Well finishing Andrew was not so big deal for Jackson as Andrew was new in this field. He just wanted to have what wasn't his nor was going to be his. So at the end he had die anyway yeah..

"See Andrew you made my new clothes drenched in blood." Jackson said before kicking Andrew's dead body and fishing out his phone from his Jean's pocket and dialing someone's number.

"The task is done Boss. I killed him and his men. This wasn't even a hard task-..." Jackson didn't got to complete his sentence before the person on the other side cut the call. (Well don't ask the author whom he called, who was the person who hanged the call. Ask Jackson cause he knew that person not your author lol back to story)

"Yahh at least let me complete my sentence. Uff! let's just go home and complete my sleep or else I will be racoon in the morning with dark circles under my eyes. Let's go boyssss!!" Jackson said before walking towards his car with other men.

    Name: Jackson Wang    Age    :27   Work  :Second in command of "Dealer Unit"

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Name: Jackson Wang
Age :27
Work :Second in command of "Dealer Unit". Dealer unit comes under "Min Yoongi. " He's also a fighter as he goes on missions also.
Country : He's from China but he shifted in Italy after he joined this gang.


Well this was the first chapter. I know this chapter was boring like hell. This book is also going to be boring lol I'm just kidding or maybe not .. who knows? Obviously ik lol hahaha...

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