Kitchen ~

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?¿ Pov

"Dark... Pitch black dark is the only thing which I can see well I can't see in the darkness. " I said to the person on my right while tip toeing to the kitchen.

"Obviously you can't see in the pitch black darkness Taehyung. " He said to me after rolling his eyes and giving a slap on my head.

"Ouch! That hurts bitch!" I said to Jimin before slapping him back and like this we both started to slap the shit out of each other.

"Shushh!! Shushh!! Let's quite down cabbage and complete our mission before we get caught by someone." I said to Jimin after having a Lil slap session with him well it's normal for us like our day will be incomplete without beating each other.

"As you say kidney bean, but if we kept walking like this then we will surely gonna fall or get hit by something so turn the fucking flashlight of your phone you dumb racoon. " Jimin said to me before shouting like a pig.

"Don't shout like a pig and keep your volume down." I said to Jimin after totally ignoring his yelling and turned on the flashlight of my phone .

"Ahh ok ok let's go to the kitchen. Lesssssss goooooooo." Jimin said in a whisper yelling manner before waddling like a penguin to the kitchen.

"Yaaaahhhhh!! You cabbage wait for meeee." I said before running after him in the same direction.


?¿ Pov

I was sleeping soundly in my room completely lost in my dreamland but I woke up after hearing someone beating the door of my room like a mad man.

Well it must be Jungkook for sure cause late at night it's always him who come to destroy my precious sleep.

"Yaaah stop beating my door. I'm coming wait a moment. " I yelled before opening the door and as expected there was Jeon Jungkook standing in his nightwear looking like a clown as always.

"They both are aging on their childish mission right?" I asked Jungkook before he can even uttar a single word from his mouth.

"Well yes hyung. They both are again doing their mission and making noises downstairs and if they get caught this time then I swear I'm not going to save my bear's ass from getting whopping from Jin hyung's sleepers and pan." Jungkook said being completely done with Taehyung.

Well tbh my reaction is also same like him towards Chim. They both are really pain in ass when they try to pull these type of tricks in the middle of the night li dude a whole fucking day isn't enough for you two? At least give us some free time at night but naaaah they both never listen to anyone.

"YOONGIIII HYUNG ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING WHAT THE HELL I'M SAYING?" Jungkook yelled in my ears making me come out of my thoughts.

"Yahhh, you idiot !! Stop shouting and let's go downstairs." I said before making my way out of the room.

"Yeah let's go before they both complete all the dumplings and cake alone." Jungkook said before fastly making his way towards the stairs. "I also wanna eat that so wait for me." I said before skipping the steps of the stairs and rolling down the stairs.


Author's Pov

"Ugh my back!!" Yoongi groaned in pain after he landed on the last step of the stairs.

"Are you okay hyung?" Jungkook said before looking here and there in hurry.

"Do I look OKAY to you?" Yoongi said in annoyed tune ad he was already getting irritated.

"Yah you look extremely OKAY to me, so get up and come to the kitchen and don't get hit by something on your way." Jungkook said after rolling his eyes and making his way towards the kitchen where the two soul mates were gone just few minutes ago.


In Kitchen

"Chimmmmm~~~~ pass me that ice-cream which is on your left." Taehyung said to Jimin after filling his mouth with another 2 dumplings.

"Pick it up on your own Tae cause it's just right infront of you and eat slowly, don't get choked on your dumplings." Jimin said before finishing his 3rd cup of ice-cream.

"Yahhh just pass me that naaa. I'm too lazy to pick it up-" Before Taehyung cab complete his words, the lights of the kitchen got turned on by non other then Jungkook.

He was standing at th3 door step of the kitchen before he fall down cause from behind him Yoongi got tripped on the rug.

"Yahh Yoongi hyung I told you to walk carefully but you again tripped on something and make me fall down also." Jungkook said after standing up and pulling yoongi up also from his shoulders.

"That wasn't my mistake okay!! It was an accident and forget that let's talk with these 2 brats." Yoongi said and looked at Vmin due , who were eating peacefully and was watching their men bickering like some old aunties.

"Wh-what you w-ant to talk meow?" Jimin asked with mouth full of dumplings which was making his words fumble.

And here both yoonmin couple start to bicker like an old couple as Yoongi was getting done of hearing Jimin rants about him sleeping all day, he did what was right. What he did? We he picked Jimin like a sack of rice on his shoulder and went to their room with eating ice-cream cone.

On the other hand.. without any care in the world, here Taehyung was eating his dumplings and ice-cream like no tomorrow in the world until Jungkook snatched the ice-cream bucket and plate of dumplings from his hand.

"Koooooooooo~~~" " Please give me my ice-cream back. I want to eat it." Taehyung started to whine after Jungkook snatched his food.

"Nope! It's enough for today and stop showing me your puppy eyes cause it will not work on my this time. Let's go in the room and sleep as we have to wake up early tomorrow and it's already past 1 in the morning. " Jungkook said after scouting near Taehyung infront of him on the ground.

"Uff okay fine. I will listen to you only this time cause I'm also sleepy so carry me and let's gooooo." Taehyung said after yawning and throwing his self on Jungkook who caught him effortlessly as it's normal for him and picking him up on his back as he like being carried like that. After that they made their way to the bedroom and in the world Taehyung telled Jungkook how much strong he is .

"Sleep tight my kiwi." Jungkook said before pulling Taehyung on his stomach and tucking themselves in the blanket securely so they don't catch cold.

"Night night koo" Taehyung said before kissing Jungkook and dozing off in his lallalalalalala land.

Word count: 1182

Well Idk what I wrote lol so bear with it and I will update every Saturday. Maybe some other day of week also if I'm in mood but their will be a update on every Saturday so...

Stay tuned and stay safe!!

Bye bye!

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