-A rainy night-

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The rain drummed loudly against each window as the thunderstorm striked harder.

Remus lupin clutched the warm blanket further against his cold body as it trembled with fear.

The boy hated thunderstorm, it freaked the hell out of him.

Groaning loud enough for the whole tower to hear, he forced himself up already feeling his hands go numb.

Even though the boy was entirely grateful for his position as a prefect; at moments like this he hated it.

It's not like anyone would be roaming the castles in such weather.

With the last ounce of self control, he grabbed his wand in one hand leaving the other free to hold the-now-almost empty cup of tea and made his way through the portrait and into the abandoned hallways.


Sometimes Adeline wondered if there was something wrong with her.

She stood before the open gap between each wall that led to the court-yard preparing herself for what's about to come, with one long gasp of breath she ran to the middle of it and immediately cursed herself.

Even though she was frigid, but the feeling was unmatched. Each drop of rain fell roughly upon her hair before gliding softly down her cheeks like cold tears.

She opened her arms further, welcoming the rain with a true smile.

Throwing herself in the middle of the chaos was nothing new to Adeline; she always did it when she found herself at war with her mind, and that was quite often.

Unfortunately for her, she couldn't stay much longer because as she opened her eyes: she noticed a pacing figure right around the corner.

A tall, lanky boy was going back and forth, seemingly deep in thought as he didn't notice the girl staring at him.

Addie found this particular scene extremely humorous, he looked like one of these old cartoon characters.

In Remus' vision though; he was frustrated, trying to think of ways to grasp the attention of this weird girl in order to stop her from whatever she was doing in the pouring rain, unknown to him; he already had her full attention.

"How's your walk going?" Adeline said, almost in a shout which made the boy arbutly stop in his tracks and turn to look at her.

The boy almost stumbled to his feet, not knowing what to say as socializing wasn't one of his strongest qualities.

"As a prefect I advise you to return to your specific dormitories" he raised his voice abit.

Adeline not being able to hear him quiet well, advanced towards him, her hair dripping wet and her clothes sticking to her body.

"What did you say, lupin?" She asked in almost a teasing smile.

Remus tried to hide his shocked expression, but failed miserably as his curiosity won "y- you know my name?"

"Ofcourse I know your names, you're one of the marauders!" Adeline exclaimed, looking him directly in the eye, but for some reason he avoided her gaze "Now what were you saying?" She asked tilting her head abit to the left.

"Ah- I said you should go back to your dorm, as a prefect"

"And if I don't?" She raised her eyebrows and there was a slight pause before she added "Are you going to punish me, moony?"

By her behavior; he felt somewhat angry, she was teasing him, that is.

"No, but a few house points would do the job" his brows furrowed waiting for a reaction.

"You wouldn't" she smiled before turning to the opposite direction and walking away.

It was only then that Remus realized: she had called him moony.



Also recommend me your favorite song, I love learning about people's music taste

And as promised to my landing community I did post it on January first , enjoy!

Empty Hearts || Remus lupinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora