-A visit to Hogsmead-

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The wind twirled a few fallen leaves around signaling for the beginning of autumn.

On the arrival of the carriage; Adeline quickly jumped off, an excited smile making its way through her face.

"Thank goodness we're finally here, I was beginning to feel sick" she complained.

"I know, I was quiet afraid of being puked at" Regulus smirked and she arbutly stopped to give him a deadpan expression.

"You're such a good friend"

"The best"

After a long visit to the bookstore, they decided that a warm butterbeer is all they needed.

A sigh escaped her lips as she placed her books on the table with a strong thud.

"How many books did you buy?" Regulus asked examining the tower of books beside her.

She paused for a moment before replying "ten? Wait no, twelve"

"Do you really need all that?" The curly haired boy asked, giving his friend a pointed look.

"Shut up, you bought way more books that me" Adeline glanced at the many books beside him.

"What did you buy anyway?" Curiousity flared through Regulus as he snatched a few books from her pile, reading each title.

"Don't treat my books like that?" Adeline said in a gasp.

"Don't be so dramatic, Addie" The boy laughed, a teasing smile highlighting his whole face.

Adeline opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by the waiter placing their said order.

Regulus quickly grabbed the long cup, gulping down half of it.

"It's not going to disappear" she sassed, bringing the cup closer to her mouth as the warm foam tickled her lips.

"It's warm, I'm cold" he shrugged


"Drama queen"


Remus was practically moping around, his mind overthinking the same thing, over and over again until it consumed him.

How on earth did she find out?

He was very discreet about it, They all were, so how could she discover something that was hidden for more than five years.

Peter noticed this; nudging james to catch his attention. They all shared a look before Sirius slanged one arm around the tall boy's shoulders.

"I heard they got a new kind of chocolate at honeydukes" he pointed to the busy shop, but Remus didn't even look up from the ground shaking his head in refusal.

"How about I talk to her?" Sirius offered and Remus' head quickly shot up, his eyes gleaming in the September sun.

James scoffed, rolling his eyes as he said "It probably won't do any good, she's probably told it to the whole school by now"

"Addie wouldn't do that!" Sirius blurted, the knot in his brows deepening.

"Addie?" Peter repeated, seemingly confused as the rest of them.

Sirius sighed realizing the situation he'd put himself into.

"Well?" Remus asked eager for more information.

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