-Hidden Scars-

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The hot water ran against Remus' trembling body, sending shivers down his back.

He let out a tired sigh as the warmth indulged him, his scars have been burning too much lately and the moon was starting to come in full shape; ruining his mood.

The grumpy boy wrapped a towel around his torso, before opening the door.

He expected the room to be empty: Peter has herbology and the two other boys were busy in the quidditch field, but as he stood there half naked with Adeline and Sirius staring shockingly at him, Remus felt the time stop for a moment.

Sirius turned around with a mumbled apology, but Addie stood there glued to the ground staring shamelessly at him.

"Do you mind?" Remus huffed, trying not to seem as flustered as he really was, having her staring at him like that gave him a strange feeling, one that he shouldn't have felt.

"Oh, sorry" she quickly mimicked Sirius, turning her back with her head leaning down.

Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Sirius giving her a look, so she sent a threatening one back his way.

"You were staring at him" he whispered loud enough for her to barely hear him

"I was not!" She said a little too loud before her eyes widened in embarrassment.

Sirius had to place a hand on his open mouth to try and stop himself from giggling like a child "You so were"

She rolled her eyes before whispering back "I didn't know he was that hot" and Sirius immediately smirked "We all are, sweetheart" receiving a strong kick on the foot.

"You can turn around, now" Remus shyly announced and when they both did; Sirius made a quick escape towards the door locking it from the outside.

"Sirius, you son of a bitch!" Adeline cried trying to unlock the door, but it was of no use.

Remus sighed pinching the bridge of his nose "Why would he do that?"

Addie turned around letting her gaze linger on his sweater "You need new sweaters, grandpa"

"And you need new manners, why did padfoot do that?"

"Such cute little names you all use, and he was running away from me"

Remus narrowed his eyes in confusion, not understanding what was going on between the two of them.

"We had a fight" She explained and he was quick to raise his eyebrows with a small 'oh'

Remus didn't want to ask, he really didn't, but curiousty got the best of him "So, you two are a thing"

Her whole face displayed disgust and shock, she looked as if someone had traumatized her "Ew, no he's like my brother dude!"

He let out a chuckle at his new nickname 'dude'

"I didn't know Sirius had any Slytherin friends"

"Family" She corrected with a stern look and added "I've basically known him and reggie since childhood"

"Ah" he nodded trying to seem convinced but Adeline saw the accusing look he tried to hide "Who's also like a brother to me, god can't women have male friends!" She exclaimed.

An embarrassed blush spread across Remus' cheeks as he felt he'd gone too far "No, they absolutely can!"

Before she could reply the door opened from outside; revealing a short plump boy who had too many plants to carry.

The boy: whom she recognized as Peter pettigrew gave her a wobbly smile and started placing his things on the bed.

And while Remus was busy watching peter, Adeline took this as a chance to leave, disappearing by the time he remembered to look back.

"What was she doing here?" Peter asked

"I have no idea" he sighed.


"And after you twist it like that, it becomes a ring" Regulus explained for the fifth time to a very confused Addie

"I don't get it, how does yours stay put?" She let out a defeated huff as their attempt on making handmade rings wasn't going anywhere, well atleast hers.

"That's because you're an idiot, I've shown you this a million times" Regulus shook his head in amusement as the girl portrayed a shocked expression.

"Oh you're so on" she announced throwing a large pillow his way and soon it turned to a whole fight, as their giggles filled the empty common room.

"Shut it!" Someone screamed from upstairs startling the two friends and bringing them back to reality.

Regulus let out a breathy laugh throwing himself on the couch beside her "For the record; I won"

"Sure you did" she scoffed sitting beside him and placing her cat back on the couch as it nuzzled closer to her lap.

At moments like this Adeline wished she could freeze the time and stay like this forever, every day the war seemed to edge closer and with her family rank and blood status; she knew who she had to follow, forced to follow.

After a minute of quiet Regulus stood up declaring his need of sleep, ofcourse the girl gave him a confused look as he never slept this early, even though it was two in the morning by now.

"Quidditch practice" he explained and she raised her eyebrows nodding understandingly

"Goodnight Addie" the boy yawned on his way up the stairs.

"Goodnight Reggie" she sighed feeling alittle down, now that she was alone her thoughts seemed to become louder and much kore intense with nothing to control them.

Overthinking was a curse and she deeply despised it, It was one of the reasons why Adeline liked to surrounded herself with as much people as possible, to drown all the voices out, with someone around they become a distraction for her dense mind and a way to conjure peace,

But now she was alone and the dark shadows were starting to come back.

On the other side of the castle, far up in the Gryffindor tower; Remus lupin was fast asleep, notice the term 'was' , because the loud fuss of James and Sirius woke him up.

"Go to sleep!" Remus groaned turning to the other side and facing his two friends.

They were sprawled out on the bed, knees and elbows supporting them as they pointed to the map.

"What are you doing?" the sleepy boy asked, huffing as he realized "oh no, not another prank!"

"Oh yes, and It's going to be great!" Sirius replied and James smiled mischievously.

Remus took one glance at his bedside clock and that made his eyes widen in shock "It's two in the morning?!" he exclaimed, annoyance clear in his voice.

James nodded excitingly "Just the perfect time"

The grumpy boy groaned once again as he got up and left the room, but not before he muttered an audible 'I fucking hate you both'

he knew that it would be impossible to sleep in such circumstances and that kept him wondering how the hell could peter sleep so peacefully?

With no idea on what to do; he decided to take a walk around the castle, hopefully he won't have to run into filch.


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