-A sudden embrace-

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"lower your wand, you intolerant psycho" Another ghost yelled at Adeline as she raised her wand even higher to disturb them.

After five minutes of strolling around aimlessly; Addie discovered that it was a bad idea for many many reasons.

1) It was cold.
2) The castle looked awfully scary.
3) she may or may have not lost her way back to the dungeons.

"fuck my life" Adeline muttered under her breath as she took yet another turn.

At this point she wished for a prefect's presence even if she gets multiple detentions,

As if her prayer could be heard, a firm body clashed against her very own, but instead of talking first; the figure Infront of her patted her gently on the shoulder and of course it caught her by surprise and when Addie was surprised...... Let's just say it doesn't go well.

On instinct she curled her fist and delivered a harsh punch onto that person's face, it wasn't until that person made a groaning sound that she recognized him immediately.

"Remus?" She asked, silently hoping that it wouldn't be him.

"Not anymore" The boy mumbled as another groan escaped his lips "Why did you punch me?"

"Umm, no I didn't" Adeline muttered walking backwards in order to mysteriously disappear, but her wants were denied when she found herself against a wall.

"What do you mean 'no' you literally did Adeline!" He almost yelled and unfortunately for them someone heard as hurried footsteps approached them.

"Fuck" Adeline whispered "Remus, I'm so sorry"

Remus who was trying to stop the bleeding turned to look at her confused, but the girl was fast to push him in a nearby broom closet and hastily close the door.

The kidnapped boy opened his mouth to protest, but Addie quickly covered it with her hand, raising the other to threaten him.

A few minutes passed and until the stomping sound of footsteps disappeared Adeline didn't let go, and while she was completed drawn to what awaited them outside, Remus was severely trying to control the frantic heartbeat of his, he knew he shouldn't, but Remus couldn't stop staring at her.

He noticed how her brows furrowed when she was too focused or how she chewed on her upper lips whenever the footsteps got too close and he also didn't miss how her breathing was obviously harder within the close proximity.

The moment these footsteps disappeared, Remus didn't hesitate to whisper "You know, if you wanted me so close; all you had to do was ask"

Her cold grey eyes, that reminded him of December's chill and icy weathers, widened a little; before they settled in a lazy glare "Believe me lupin; you're the last person I'd want close" and even though her tone was unfazed and somewhat rude, Remus made a silent remark of the goosebumps on her neck, and since she was wearing a rich wool sweater he definitely knew it wasn't from the weather.

"mhm" Remus mumbled before marching out of the closet and into the deserted hallway, but before he could continue walking in the opposite direction Addie called after him, practically running to catch up with him "wait!"

Surprised, the boy swiftly turned around facing her, "yes?"

Without further explanation Adeline aimed her wand at his crooked nose before mumbling "Episkey"

Remus held back a very painful groan from the sudden move as he let his questioning gaze swipe over her face,

"don't want you resulting in my detention now, do we?" She grinned before walking ahead of him and Addie could feel the burning stare through her back.

suddenly, a random thought invaded her mind, or rather a smell.

Remus lupin smelt of honey, vanilla and cocoa, which immediately brought a large smile on her face,

wait, where were the dungeons again?

uh oh, looks like you didn't vote.....

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