-Nightmares in September-

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The metallic taste of blood was all she could focus on as Adeline swinged yet another punch in the girl's direction, and only stopped when rough hands pushed her to the side.

"The professors are coming!" She heard the whispers from the crowd around them just before she was pulled to a dark corridor.

Of course she recognized him by his scent alone, "What the hell were you thinking, Adeline?"

Uh oh, full name.

"Have you seen the way that brat acted? Nevertheless her words?" Addie spat, anger still buzzing in her veins.

Regulus shook his head in a sigh, mentally knowing that there was no way he could prove his point, so instead he eyed his blood drenched best friend from head to toe "Come-on, let's get you to the hospital wing"


Remus lupin was used to spending time alone, infact he loved it, but not as much when his whole body felt scarred.

His friends had just left for classes and since it's still the beginning of the school year; the infirmary was completely empty, except for him.

He stared at the ceiling for a while as the white light temporarily blinded him, that until another scene unfolded before him.

Pushing through the closed door of the dim lit place, marched none other than Adeline brown.

The first thing that Remus noticed about her was her disheveled hair, but as his eyes descended down her figure; he noticed the usually white school shirt was now mostly red and he silently hoped it was paint, if not blood.

She inspected her surroundings and her eyes twinkled when they fell on the staring boy, "Blood looks that good on me, huh?"

Remus portrayed a deadpan expression. "It brings out your eyes"

"Oh my days, What on godric's name happened to you?" Came the high pitched voice of madame Pomfery, who just happened to march in.

Adeline plopped down on a stool and half smirked, "I'll have you know professor that it's definitely not my blood"

Remus resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her sly arrogance.

"I've told you a million times before, Adeline, you cannot go fighting people whenever you're bored" uttered the woman, not a hint of amusement in her voice, yet the bloodied girl only smiled more.

"I wasn't bored, it was merely d- oh, We have an audience" She raised her eyebrows expectantly at the boy laying infront of her, as if she hadn't seen him before.

Remus almost groaned, he was still too tired for this, but before he could think of an acceptable answer, poppy did it for him "leave him alone, addie! He's still sore from yesterday's"

Immediately, the injured boy's eyes widened in utter shock "Poppy!" Remus scolded, his heart beating at an unhuman rate.

The woman huffed, "oh please, as if Addie doesn't already know"

Now it was Adeline's turn to widen her eyes "Poppy!",

But Remus' attention was now focused on the blonde girl infront of him "you knew?! All this time and you didn't say a thing?" He bit back a frustrated cry.

"Why would I say anything?, I didn't even know you!" She shrugged and the action caused a slight flesh to travel up her body.

In her defense; The boy seemed distressed at the mere though of his friends discovering the secret, let alone someone he didn't know.

"I can't believe you told her!" Remus groaned, hiding his face with the palms of his hands, allowing Adeline to shamelessly admire them.

"I never did, Adeline knows on her own." Poppy explained, aiding Addie's bleeding knuckles, "all done!" She announced with a gentle tap on the shoulder.

Poppy took a turn to leave,but arbutly stopped in her tracks "Want me to write you an excuse to miss classes?"

Adeline's eyes lit up "Yes please"

"Alright, now take a rest I gave you some sleeping draught" The healer admitted right before disappearing down the corridor.

"Oh, No!" She mumbled all the energy seeping away from her exhausted body, until she finally slept.

By the time Adeline woke up, it was already past midnight and the infirmary was only lit by the faint moonlight melting through the window.

She didn't even get the chance to tilt her head near Remus' direction because the shaggy-haired boy was already blurting "I want answers and now!"

Adeline let out a shaky breath, he had taken her by surprise, but either way she knew this moment would've eventually come.

"First year" she muttered loud enough for him to hear.

Remus' eyes doubled in size as he stared with a foreign look on his face,"You've known since first year?" he repeated and the girl nodded, still not meeting his eyes.

"How?" it came out as an exhale more than a question.

"Really Remus, It's not that hard to figure out, you'd show up in the infirmary, every month, scarred to death, bloodied and it's not like you're on your period or something"

He tried to ignore the fuzzy feeling in his stomach when she said his name,


"a-and why didn't you say anything?" he couldn't stop himself from asking, for all he knew slytherins are never that kind, so why did she do it?

Adeline naturally shrugged "Why would I, It's your secret to tell not mine"


Now, Remus felt really bad for that question, still he asked once more "Are you planning to tell anyone?"

This time, Adeline huffed "Do you really think that low of me? If I wanted to tell I would have done it six years ago"

she has a point.

"Now, are you done investigating me or are there more questions you want to ask?" annoyance laced her voice as she gave him a cold glare.

At that Remus smiled, for some reason he enjoyed teasing her, "Nope, absolutely done"

Adeline leveled him with another glare, but this time she was angrier and Remus smiled wider to annoy her more, if that was possible.

"Stupid gryffindors" she spat, shifting so that her front faced the wall.

"Stupid Slytherins" she heard the boy mutter back as he too; gave her his back.

At this she sat up straighter "What did you just say?"

Remus did the same, "Nothing, what did you just say?"

Adeline narrowed her eyes "Nothing"

"Fine then" Remus added with a grin before returning to his earlier position.

She huffed doing the same, god, she hated his stupid smile and teasing tone, and it didn't help that both were insanely attractive, but she shoved these thoughts at the back of her mind.

Out of sight, out of mind.


My darling, sweet angel, lover of mine: please vote

Empty Hearts || Remus lupinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang