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Three knocks shuddered through the tall wooden door, yet still no answer.

"Try again" ordered Adeline with a huff

Remus, who was already annoyed turned to glare at her "I am, looks like he isn't there"

She turned around just in time to catch sight of the man in question "Professor!" Addie called taking faster strides, so is the boy beside her.

On seeing them; the professor painted a warm smile "Ah, miss brown, mister lupin, delightful to see you both already bonding"

Adeline and Remus shared a look, Addie spoke once more "bonding?"

"Yes! In order to understand you have to develop a good relationship with your tutor" he stated and suddenly it all clicked for the two students

"You're the tutor?!"

"You're the pupil??"

multiple groans were heard from Remus and Adeline, and while Remus gave up after a while, Addie didn't.

"Enough! This decision is already made, I believe you both have your timetables so you know when to start, and if you don't I promise you detentions for the rest of this school year!" The professor scolded in a gruffy matter; urging the both of them to stay silent.

"Did it have to be you?" the girl complained the minute her professor left.

Remus rolled his eyes for what felt like the hundred time today, "Just shut up"


Adeline paced Infront of the sitting boy for what felt like an hour or so, that until Regulus grabbed her arm and forced her down next to him, "For god's sake! calm down"

"I'm calm! in fact; I'm calmer than ever" she huffed a messy strand out of her face.

As if she needed another distraction; Evan rosier came out of the bathroom looking freshly showered, "Why, hello miss brown" a charming smirk on his face.

The girl loudly groaned, "Not now Rosier, too many distractions"

"Believe me baby, this meal-" he gestured to his almost naked body "Is not a distraction"

groaning once more; Adeline snatched Regulus' hand pulling him out and towards the common room.

"I don't know what to do" she sighed flopping down next to her childhood friend

Regulus broke into a smile; watching Addie get so frustrated about something was nothing new to him, but watching her get frustrated over a boy was definitely brand new.

"And you say I'm the dramatic one?" he sassed mockingly "Just take the damn classes Addie, for all I know Remus is really good in DADA, give him a chance"

The blonde girl nuzzled her head at the crook of his neck, something they always did as little kids, "I know he's good, but the last thing I want is for a stupid Gryffindor to call me daft"

"He's not going to call you daft, Remus is the best of them"

"But what if he's not, what if he's even worst and this all is a facade so he could mock me with his friends"

"He wouldn't, besides I'm sure Sirius would deliver him a strong punch if he did"

Adeline laughed in relief "Yeah, he would"


As indicated in the time table; their first meeting was today, Addie liked to think of it more like a meeting and less like a tutoring lesson, 'cause of the way it made her blood boil.

The clock ticked ten am before Addie even reached the library, which was unpunctual as the original time was 9:30, but she doubted Remus would notice anyways, or would he? Questions raced in her mind about his personality and what having him as a close friend felt like, she even caught herself wondering about his character as a lover; which threw her completely off guard since the girl never cared less about boys and silly crushes, she brushed it off and blamed the childish thoughts on her ovulating week.

The surprising thing was; Lupin wasn't even there, the library was completely empty of a tall shaggy haired boy.

Furrowing her brows in a confused manner, Adeline stepped forward waiting to catch the librarian's attention, "Yes, miss brown?"

"I was wondering if you'd caught sight of Remus lupin? we're supposed to be studying today" she asked, impatiently.

The wrinkly woman nodded slowly, "He did ask me to tell you that he's not going to be able to tutor you at the moment"


Addie's face scrunched up in disbelief, "That little shit" she shook her head trying to control her rising temper "Well then why didn't you tell me?"

The librarian gasped, as if offended, "Because I'm not your private assistant, miss brown"

The blonde scoffed, "Yeah, you're not qualified enough to do so" and sprinted off, muting all sorts of detention the professor was giving her, for all she knew that woman could fuck off.

As Adeline practically skipped steps she only had one thing on her mind: Remus lupin bloody murdered.


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