Chapter 2 - Lending A Hand

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[Word count - 872]

A few days later...

Location - Station Entrance

Your POV

I finally managed to have some time to myself... No band rehearsals, and I don't have any performances scheduled for a while. The group and I have decided to take some time off, and we're going to make full use of it. 

For my day off, I decided to go to the park with my guitar in my hand. I was hoping that being there will help me gain some ideas for our next song. Once I got there, I sat down on the bench and looked around. It was empty, as expected, and it's just how I like it, too. 

I got my guitar out of my case, along with my notebook and pen, and I began thinking of song lyrics, and coming up with a melody that goes well with it. While doing this, I began to get lost in my thoughts, and someone walked towards me. They gave me a light tap on the shoulder, and I looked towards them. It was Uika from Sumimi. 

"Hehe, looks like we meet again, huh (Y/N)?" She asked as she takes her shades off. 

"Yeah, nice to see you." I said before moving my case to the side. "Care to join me?"

Uika let out a cute giggle. 

"Sounds like a good idea to me." 

She sat down next to me, and she noticed my stuff before questioning it. 

"So, may I ask what you're working on?" 

"Oh, yeah, I am working on my next song." I answered. 

"Oh, for Rising Dragon, right?" 

"Yeah, I am." 

Uika let out another giggle, as she seems interested in what I was doing. 

"I see. How's it going? Are you making any progress?" She asked.

"I really want to say yes, but I am not very confident about it." I replied as Uika came up with an idea. 

"In that case, why not play what you have so far to me?" She suggested. "It doesn't hurt to get someone else's opinion every now and then, does it?"

"Yeah, you're right." I said, then added... "Sure, I'll play for you."

"Really? Thank you." 

I pulled out my guitar, and I began to tune it a little bit. Once I was satisfied with the sound, I began to play with what I have to Uika. Judging by the look on her face, I can tell that she was happy that I was doing a little performance for her. But in reality, she is helping me out, and since she is also a vocalist who also plays the guitar, I could really use it. 

A few minutes later...

Once I showed her what I had, I looked at her to see what she thinks. 

"Well, that's all I have so far." I said to her. "What do you think?" 

"I must admit, you have a good start here, but as far as the lyrics go, I would change a few things just to make it sound better." 

"Oh, really?" 

"If it's okay with you, I would like to take a look at the lyrics you've written." 

"Oh, sure thing." 

Uika took my notebook and read my lyrics to herself. I won't lie, I usually get embarrassed whenever someone else reads my stuff, and it usually puts me on edge because I never know what they're going to say afterwards. After reading it, she looked at me and asked... 

"Is it okay if I make a few changes?" 

"Oh, sure thing, I guess." 

She took out a pen and read the lyrics to herself one last time. She began making the changes before giving them back to me. 

"Here, this should be better." 

I looked at the improvements she made by herself. I read it to myself, and I won't lie, it did sound a little better. 

"You're right, this is better." 

"Hehe, well, I am glad that I could lend a helping hand." 

Using the improvements Uika made, I began to rewrite the lyrics again, and this time, they're going to be perfect. 

20 minutes later...

"There! I think I did it!" I said to Uika after writing the lyrics for about 20 minutes.

"That's good to know. Do you think I can hear the final results?" She asked.

I nodded and like before, I took my guitar and began to play the new song to Uika. I can tell by the smile on her face that she is loving this as much as I do. Once I was done, she shared her thoughts with me.

"That was amazing, (Y/N)! You really are the best!"

"Thanks Uika, but I probably would still be struggling with this if it weren't for you showing up." I said.

"Like I said before, I didn't mind helping you out."

Uika checked the time on her phone, and put her shades back on.

"I better get going, but before I do, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Do you... remember me?"

To be continued

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it, and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Next book to update: The Bushido Way

BanG Dream: My Favorite Musician [Misumi Uika (Doloris) x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now