Chapter 5 - The Cold Truth

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[Word count - 883]

A few weeks later...

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room

Your POV

The members of Rising Dragon and I are going to have a performance coming up in a few weeks. We're all practicing hard, and we know what we're going to do for our setlist, too. I told everyone that we need to decide who we want to invite to our show.

I was thinking about inviting Uika and Mana from Sumimi, and I know a bunch of classmates at school who'll want to come as well. But I know the others have got that covered, so it's one less problem for me to worry about. 

As I continue to sit in my room and practice my guitar, my phone started buzzing. Someone must've sent me a text message. Expecting it to be one of my band members, I grabbed my phone and looked at it. However, I was wrong. Turns out it was from Uika. 

Uika's text: Hey, do you think you can come hang out with me and my friend at the park?

Ever since she helped me got my memory back, Uika and I exchanged numbers, and she and I have been texting each other every chance we get. Today it seems like she wants me to come to the park and spend some time with her and her friend. I guess it could be a nice change of pace, but I wonder why she wants me to come to the park? 

I decided to text her back and to see if I can get more information out of her.

Your text: Sure, but why the park?

Within a few seconds, she replied back already.

Uika's text: You'll see once you get there.

That wasn't exactly helpful... Unless maybe she wants to surprise me with something, which I guess it's a nice thing for her to do. I decided not to question her even more, and head straight for the park.

An hour later...

Location - The Park

I made it to the park, and I start looking around for Uika. I probably made it before she did. I wasn't able to find her, but I was able to find someone else.

Sitting on one of the benches was another girl who appears to be the same age as me. She has light blue hair and gold eyes, and she was quite silent as she looks out into the distance. She looked towards me, and motioned me to come towards her.

I walked towards her.

"You must be (Y/N)-san, the leader of Rising Dragon, am I right?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's me." I said. It's nice to know that she has listened to my music as well.

"I had a feeling it was you." She said before standing up to make proper eye contact with me.

"I take it you're a fan?" I asked.

Asking that question was a mistake on my part, as the girl's facial expression quickly changed.

"I wouldn't say I am a fan." She said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I don't think Rising Dragon is all that good in my opinion." She said. "You guys are treating your band like it is nothing more than a stupid little game."

"Hey now-"

At that moment, Uika eventually showed up. She came running in, and she was quite out of breath.

"Hey, sorry I'm late!" She said.

"Ah, Uika."

So this girl knows Uika as well?

"Hey, Saki-chan. I didn't keep you waiting, did I?" Uika asked.

"No, not at all." She replied.

"And I see that you have met (Y/N)-kun, too!" Uika said before looking towards me.

"(Y/N)-kun, this is Saki-chan, my other childhood friend." She added. 

"Yeah, we met already." I said as I looked away, feeling quite pissed. 

Uika looked worried and placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey, are you okay? Why do you look so mad?"

"It's because Saki over there says that I am wasting my time with Rising Dragon." I said before shotting a glare at her. Saki shot one back at me, and Uika looked at her, feeling speechless by her actions. 

"Is that true, Saki-chan?" 

"It is the truth. I think it's good for everyone that (Y/N)-san should disband Rising Dragon and leave the music playing to those who ACTUALLY care about it." 

Saki starts to walk off, and now, I couldn't be any angrier than I am now.

"Hey, please don't take what she's saying seriously." Uika said. "She doesn't know what's talking about."

"I guess so."

They say it hurts to hear the truth, and just now, I felt like the truth just punched me in the stomach. Sure, Rising Dragon started off as a fun activity we do after school, but it's something we all enjoy doing, and there is nothing wrong with that.

I am going to prove Saki wrong the next time I perform on stage.

To be continued

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Next book to update: The Music of Destiny

Shout-out to those who added my books to their reading lists!


BanG Dream: My Favorite Musician [Misumi Uika (Doloris) x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now