Chapter 4: Sharing You, Miu

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Chapter 4: Sharing You, Miu


My feet were rustlin' and dashin' through the grass as I was trying to catch up to Miu as fast as possible, but guess what? This bitch remembers about dem damn Speed Shoes! So the whore was a head by a good distance. Ooooo if she tells them about- "*sees the two talking to each other* HEY MAKI! POOICHI!! WE WERE- *falls over and rolls all over the ground, some grass ruins the hair's split-ends*.....*spits out grass* Fuckin' hell.." she cursed, with her ass in the air and her jugs were ready to pop out of her shirt. The two saw her embarrassing position for a moment, underminded her attends as her usual tomfoolery and turned away from her. I caught up in seconds, and while chuckling I was scheming about my approach. "(Hmm..She was trying to make a fool outta us, but look at her now...All vulnerable..So many options *u*) *walks up to her* Say....*leans next to her, grabs a cheek and puts a thumb in her ass, hears her whimper* We can go back to the lab and I can help with these shoes of your's..Or..I could just leave you here til they help you up -w-" I prefaced to her, "(O-or...I could just rat you out...= mO) HELP! HELP! HE'S TRYING TO PUT HIS DICK UP MY ASS!! OoO" Miu shouted, "(! I-I didnt see that coming o ,o)" I reacted to myself, slightly frozen. Then Maki looked this way...She gave me THAT look...I feel like I already died.....So I fell on my back, right there, on the ground...I didnt know if I wanted to play dead or accept whatever Judgement that would befall me...Thus I just stayed, and was seeing everything invertedly.....Eventually.

"*slaps me*.....(Not even that worked?)....IM GETTING RAPED!"

"! *hops up, looks around* W-who?! Where is he? Uie, wh- *stops, sees her face*..."

"Oooooooh what the hell is this~? Even called me Uie and everything ಡUಡ"

"o.o....You didn't hear shit..I was just-"

"Trying to make it obvious that you're into me? Yeah, I know I know. *pets me* And that's why you're gonna be my lil bitch boy. Mmmkay? ^u^"

"*smacks her hand away* Now Im not gonna be NOBODY'S bitch boy! EVER!"

"Aww..I coulda been sure I was getting somewhere..."

"*sits crisp-cross next to her* Not when you're as of a fuck-up as you are. - -"

"*pokes at me* Well this big fuck-up got you shittin' yourself when you heard I was in trouble. Guess that makes you the real fuck-up here, cuz I planned it! Aint I just a genius or what? ;D"

"*pushes her hand away* Yeah yeah you keep tellin' yourself that, smug bitch...*remembers further in the past with her past interactions, then a certain recent interaction in town*.....I just thought...*sees her bat gaze to my slanted eyes* Bitch....Are you bi? = .="

"! B-b-b-b-bi?! What the hell made you think that? O///O"

"...Your face says it all. T T"

"D-d-does it? Is it...That obvious that I sometimes think about getting with both sides? <///<"

"(Um hello, you're making it that much more obvious, dipshit!) .....Was it Kaede? *sees her jump in place with widened eyes* I thought you talked about her having a lackluster rack all the time and...(Ok Im piecing it more together now..)"

"N-no, of course not! I just...Shat myself for a sec there! > >"

"I saw you look to make sure her mannequin self had panties...What were you planning to do with it? *sees her look away so more* Were you gonna-"

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