Chapter 6: Loving You, Miu

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Chapter 6: Loving You, Miu

Yona started walking forward with narrow eyes, excited to murder the woman in front of her. "What's wrong, Yuzy~? Is my precious lil rival scared to die? ewe" she taunts, "You asked for it...!" Yuzuki said, sweeping her multi-blade in front of her, following with a gun shot that pierced the wall of sand. "...(Where..) *hears something raising from behind* ! There you are! *fires with a quick turn, shooting a clone in the face* Dammit! (To think she's this fast, even with two weapons on her..) I know you were there! Quit hiding from me!" Yuzuki shouts, then being surprised as another one of her clones gets launched in the air by the razor part of the chainsaw flying out of the handle, attached by a chain, shredding her in half before a rain of blood occurred, surprising Yuzuki. "Over heeeere~! *gets her attention as she bats her head and fires her gun this way; deflects by spinning chainsaw around* How you like my new toy? How knew you could do so much with defense alloys and make something like this? Do you wanna try it? u " Yona said with a crazed look, "(What the hell are those chains made of?) You aren't going anywhere, Yona...*dashes in with multi-blade while shooting* I know you're just trying to kill everyone for fun!" she shouts, "What's wrong with a lil fun? How do you know I didnt wanna fuck them first? ou" she replied, "You...Bitch!" Yuzuki shouts in anger, slashing downwards on Yona, who guards the attack with the detachable chainsaw. Sparks flew between them as Yuzuki's strength was weighing down on Yona's weapon, despite being revved at a high setting. "*wrist starts bleeding and the blades press further, enough to make the chainsaw tear against a shoulder, blood spurts out* AAAAHHH! YEESSSS! MOOORE! HURT ME MOOOOOREE! Q " Yona screams in a mix of agony and pleasure, "*sees her push Yuzuki off with a swing of her hammer, with enough force to bend backwards for a moment before dashing in for another swing* ! Watch out! *bashes Yuzuki out of the way with a shoulder and gets impaled in the back into the ground with her sharpened hammer, blood splashing on her clothes and face upon impact* GYUUUUUHHHH!" clone Yuzuki grunts out loud. "There..You're dead! ^o^" Yona said, only to be surprised by a simultaneous shot to the head from by both Yuzukis, from a grounded position on opposite sides of Yona. The sandy wind was blinding them, so they had to rub their faces to regain vision. "Did it...Work...? *gets crushed by her hammer landing on chest* KOOF! Gyaah! Why's it...! Weigh so much...! *tries to hold it's handle but hears a beep; gets intensely shocked by it* HAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH! AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!" Yuzuki shrieks in agonizing pain as the hammer was peeling some of her skin on her chest off, leaving a blackening, red mark around the hammer's head where it occurred. She found herself wheezing and tears from how horrible the shocking felt, even seeing smokes coming out of her as she had breathing issues. "*walks in front of her, revealing that the right side of forehead had a big chip from the bullet and a bruise on the other side of cheek* Heheheheh..You gave me a scare, Yuzy...If I were a millisecond off from my dodge, I would've died there! ^u^; You loooose~. My Thundy hammer says so! You like it? ouo *sees her chest trying to cave in as she was busy coughing out blood* Uh oooooh~, someone cant breathe at all. Too bad. *snaps fingers* Dig in boys" Yona then commanded, "! (W-who does she...!) *sees a few MonoHumans raise out of the sand, sluggishly walking this way* (What the hell...?!) N-no..Yona, s-stop..!" Yuzuki was weakly pleading, reaching a hand out, "*steps and crushes her hand beneath heel, smiling for a moment* Nuh uh uuuuh~. you dont ask for help from someone you tried to kill, silly. And you think Im the crazy one 3" Yona told her before walking off and jumping down the top entrance. "*eyes widen and starts shuddering* Damn you Yona...DAMN YOOOOOU!" Yuzuki loudly cursed, facing her deadly fate against the monstrous, animalistic MonoHumans, who pounced on her and dug their claws and jaws deep into her body. As the base's intruder jumped down, she saw a large space below, divided by five domed areas with their own sets of lights around them, with paths leading to one another in a descending order, supported by wide, tall blocks. "(Hmmmm! Quite a place we got here! ewe) *lands inside a gray room with a desk and an extendable ladder on the ground* Oooo, what's this? *touches the ladder and sees it extend quickly from both ends, with the bulkier end bursting far through the wall* Whoops. I guess I gotta be careful. Dont wanna alert them too soon..eue" Yona said to herself before going through the door. Once she did, she saw two guardsmen walking down the hallway. "*hugs back to the wall in a low position* Ok..Let's do this as quiet as possible aaaaand- *dashes at them swiftly, wraps legs around his neck, breaking his helmet with a powerful squeeze from thighs before making him fall on his head into the ground, knocking him out like this* Oooopies~ That wasnt too discrete huh? *sees the other guard pull his rifle up to aim* Oh no you dont...! *dodges his bullets and grabs his head, slamming his him against the wall, making his helmet fly off from the impact, and wraps legs around his neck too, making him dig his face in pussy with a hand on his head* Oooooooh~ Struggle some more, honey~! I love it when you try your best against me~~! -q- *cracks his neck with a squeeze from thighs, making him fall; falls with him* Hmm? Over already? Wow you guys dont last at all! *hears the door open behind* Uh oh! *kicks the downed guard to the one behind, making him take the gunfire; slides under him quickly, taking out the standing guards legs with a kick to his knees, making him fall this way* Dont look~" Yona then warned, "Gyaagh..! What the hell is she..?!" the guard said, turning his head to her, seeing her bend over this way, "I said not to look! *shoots the chainsaw's razor at him while holding it between legs, having it lodge in his guts as it tore open his insides as he scrambles on the ground, dying while screaming* Hmmhmhmmmm~ I'll get to the Heads of this place in no time at this rate eue" Yona comments before proceeding further into the base.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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