More Trooper lore bc i love them

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Troopers love shiny stuff, giving you things that they find pretty is how they show affection.

They are genderless and really don't care about pronouns, call them anything. Social norms also don't bother them and they don't judge people for being different.

Troopers aren't evil by nature it's mostly the person who summons them that dictates their behaviour and actions.

While they don't really care what other people think about them, they do seek validation and community.

Gossip is their main hobby and some people tend to think that they don't matter so they're still in the room when the tea is spilled.

Their self preservation skills aren't the best, they will talk shit about people who can beat their asses in less than a second.

Light troopers also exist, but can only be created by very powerful people. Ao-ki could potentially do that if she becomes stronger and learns how. Too bad that the last person who knew how to do so got fricken evaporated. Perhaps the Tower has some old scriptures :I

Troopers get created by Voidus. The other darkans can only summon the Troopers that are already in Darkor.

Created as in, taken from the pocket dimension.

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