Lord lore: Helios

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Pan + Poly


He has extremely bad short term memory. Walks into a room. Why did he go in here? You told him his name. What were you called again? Puts down pen. He had a pen?

It's astonishingly bad when he is tired or stressed. He once forgot that he had just washed his hands, so he washed them again. Then he wasn't sure if he had actually washed them, and it went on like that five more times, until Typhon stopped him.

There are Post it's everywhere in his quarters and workplace. Most are reminders. Some are just bored doodles of birds and food saying stuff like "Beesechurger" or "Borb".

He soaks up academic knowledge like a sponge, especially medicine. He is actually able to use wind energy infused with a large amount of light to heal certain Injuries.

Can stay calm and collected during a crisis, but breaks down once he's alone.

Being a doctor he can break bad news to someone gently, he in general is a very empathetic person. He can help and empathize with other people quite well, but has problems showing, explaining or even understanding his own emotions.

Really wanted to have children but never felt like he had enough time and energy left for them. Given the fact that he was both a lord and a practicing doctor. Not wanting to bring people with attachment issues into this world, he just never managed to get children before the whole Darkan fiasco.

During the day his eyesight is incredibly good. He has seen things coming when the others didn't even see a dot in the horizon. But as soon as it gets dark his vision declines rapidly. At the worst rendering him completely blind.

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