Knight headcanons

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As suggested by somenartist, here are headcanons about the knights. (also go check out her artbook, it's very nice)

Orion and Saburo often hang out with one another, they appreciate that the other can just shut up for a while :,)

Vulcan has Arachnophobia, he freezes as soon as he sees a spider.

Zefyr doesn't always understand Eron, while he does think his herald is cool and very windy, he is very confused by some of his actions. (The tournament episode where Eron does warmups while it has already started, you can see Zefyrs confusion)

Akilos and Ikalos looked very alike when they were children (I headcanon them as twins). They would switch places when one had to do something he didn't like, so the one that didn't mind or liked doing the task did it instead, no one ever found out.

Boxing is literally everything Hurik does. get up in the morning? Practice boxing. Preparing lunch? Do it while boxing. You get appointed as a knight for your incredible fighting prowess? Keep boxing. Skipping rope? Guess what, it's training for boxing.

Hydros can make a very loud snapping sound with his whip. He uses it to scare guards that are slacking off. On the Gorm equivalent of April fools day he dared to scare Trityon with it, the lord had never participated on this day, but this year he might make an exception.

Typhon and Karak formed a comedy club once. Diakos secretly joined it, he has a very dry sense of humor, the others think it's great.

Do not tell Typhon your secrets, he doesn't want to tell anyone, but he can get carried away when telling stories and accidentally tattle, he doesn't even notice. He feels extremely bad afterwards and whenever someone wants to tell him a secret he just straight up goes: No

The red feathers on Zefyr are his actual feathers, he is very fluffy.

Saburo could match Nukleor in trash talking, he however chose not to, because when he trash talks he goes DEEP into the others insecurities and it was Riffs trial so he didn't want to interfere too much. His trash talking could actually be more described as psychological warfare.

Koga doesn't have a very intense hair care routine, he just uses dish soap. Like bro, how??? The only thing he is very adamant about is combing it, he hates tangles, they make his skin crawl.

Hurricane had several pet birds. They were all rescues he healed back up. His oldest bird is a hawk that never left his side and even aided him in battle, she sadly couldn't come with him to the present day. Her name was Arrow.

Hirok deadass forgets that his hands are drills sometimes, he has broken so many things on accident. He also sometimes tunnels just for fun, which can cause structural problems. Havok has forbidden him from tunnelling in a 5 mile radius of any building.

Havok is a demolishion expert which is where he has his knowledge on the stability of buildings and tunnels from.

Torak doesn't have the best awareness when it comes to his surroundings. He has a task and he will do that task, what goes on around him just goes by without him noticing.

Karak is the only knight that can somewhat cook, he knows the basics, but is not the best at planning ahead which is why more elaborate dishes are lost on him.

Cosmyr has used swears several times on screen, Helios understood and was happy that the heralds didn't.

The only thing in Motaks mind is the gif of a spinning fish to a low quality version of funky town playing in the background.

Another thing Cyonos invented, aside from his tactics, is the perfect way to filet several kinds of fish, he wasn't just a tactician but also an enjoyer of fine cuisine, despite not being able to eat. He cried about that fact several times. Did I also mention that he's the most emotional of the meka knights?

Nukleor hates it when people rub beating him in his face. He doesn't mind losing that much and respects the people who beat him, until you start gloating. Given the fact that he would pretty much always fight against a fire Gormian, tough luck buddy.

I sadly can't form any real thought's on the Solarks or Eklypsions (Different language little screen time) but I tried to get something for every knight other than that.

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