Lord lore: Voidus

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He has always had a talent for using his powers and even invented a lot of spells. Giving Xathor the ability to turn invisible for example, is something only someone incredibly skilled can do.

Out of the lords he is the most powerful.

His sleep schedule is incredibly inconsistent. Sometimes he needs hours to fall asleep when he wants to and other times he just falls asleep in seconds against his will. He can sleep from one hour up to several days. Or he doesn't sleep for several days, that happens aswell.

He hates loud and crowded spaces. In Darkor he sometimes goes to the top of the fortress, but he can't quite enjoy his time away from everyone, because he knows that he'll either come back to bickering or an outright brawl among his servants.

He had a pet snake he called Oleander. He did so because it sounded like a pretty flower name (to not raise suspicion) but was actually a refence to Nerium Oleander a very toxic flower that can cause death. Oleander sadly passed due to old age. Rip Oleander

I'm not sure how, but he is Ao-ki's father. (Working on a theory) (Emma same headcanon woo)

Long hair is a symbol of status and honour in the light tribe, when someone dishonours the tribe or just majorly fucks up in general their hair is cut. It also grows extremely slowly (Ao-ki hasn't cut her hair once. This is the maximum length someone her age can achieve)

Voidus' hair has been cut twice, once in his childhood by his mother, because he disobeyed her orders. And later after he lost the war and got sent to Darkor for the first time, he cut it himself out of anger.

If his hair was able to grow for his entire life it would reach his knees by now.

(In his Season two power up it's just under the helmet)

The light tribe was less of a kingdom and more of a organisation (Archive+court), because of that it never really had a real leader and more of a head archivist/manager that would act if there were complaints coming from their people. These archivists never learned how to fight, it was actually forbidden for them.

Being the son of the current head archivist, he went on visits to the other realms. In the ice realm he met Trityon, while their parents were doing their work, they became friends. Trityon gave him a tour of the ice castle and his routine, he was shocked to find out Voidus never got any combat training. Not knowing that it was forbidden, he took it upon himself to teach him. It turned out that Voidus was an incredibly skilled fighter. Every visit they would train in secret, until Voidus' mother found out. She was incredibly angry of course, it's peace that brings honour. He disregarded her however and kept training, without Trityton (he actually didn't want to get him in trouble). Until she found him out again. The worst part was that he had lied about not fighting anymore, lies are also a big no no. So she cut his hair and kept it short until she was sure he truly felt sorry for what he did. The punishment only made him more bitter however, fueling his want for power. It had felt so good to be powerful to be on top, and she was shaming him for it?

Once his mother mysteriously died he became the head archivist. There were immediate changes made in the light tribe, people were allowed to fight and before the only way to interfere in the other realms conflicts was through diplomacy, now he would take direct action in the realms themselves.

The other lords (they were all in power by now) found that to be concerning and confronted Voidus. It was not the start of the war but it was leading towards it. The relations started to crumble and animosity started to bloom. The lords actually tried to find a peaceful solution but Voidus was sick of diplomacy, he wanted it all.

I couldn't decide for the header this chapter so have this aswell:

I couldn't decide for the header this chapter so have this aswell:

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