Little Gibblet (Gibbs x Daughter!Reader)

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Summary: you lived with your dad your whole life after your mom was arrested when you were a baby. you are now a captain in the marines. you visit home without telling your father in order to surprise him.

Y/N's POV:

Waiting in the airport for my connecting flight from Atlanta to DC, I fought the urge to tell my friends that I was headed home. If I told them, they would likely tell Dad. Ruining the surprise that has been six months in the making. I had been selected as the marine to be honored at this years Marine Birthday Ball. I had done everything I could to keep it under wraps so I could surprise Dad. Director Vance knew of coarse, since he was the one presenting the award.

I was still in my Cammies. I planned to keep my full dress uniform in the plastic until the very last moment. Plus, I liked my Cammies better for comfort. It is hard to get comfortable when you had pins and had to keep the angles and lines perfect.

Loading the airplane, I got smiles from everyone who met my eye. I simply nodded to each person and silently made my way to my seat. My rucksack slung snugly over my shoulder. The flight was calm and only hit the smallest patch of turbulence. When we touched down, the flight crew allowed me to exit the plane first. Even before first class. I slowly made my way through the airport, relishing my first time on US soil in over a year, and to the line of taxis patiently waiting.

The sun was just beginning to set for the evening. Meaning Dad was likely still at work. I gave the taxi directions to the navy yard and we were off. When I arrived, I payed cash and tipped the driver handsomely. I then walked from the security gate to the NCIS entrance. "Hey Charlie." I say, greeting the second shift security lead. Without being prompted, I hand over my military ID. I see Charlie go for the phone. "No. Don't I'm surprising him" I say franticly. Charlie hangs up the phone and eyes me . "Well, good luck with that." She offers as I start to walk away.

When I get to the bull pin, the only member of my dad's team at their desk is a blonde woman I have never met before. I smile at her before speaking. "I am here to surprise someone. I'd appreciate it if you please not call the other team members. Please" I say sweetly. "Oh. Yeah, Of coarse. Just be careful. Don't get lost" She said "Not a chance. I'll see you later" Amd with that I go straight up to the directors office.

I smile at Pamala, Vance's secretary as I sit on the couch ready to wait my turn. "You cant be here, you'll ruin your own surprise. Gibbs is in there." As soon as she said the words, my eyes popped open wide. I ran out of the office and back to sit on his desk as fast as I can. Earning a frightened stare from the blonde woman. I then grabbed a random magazine from my rucksack and kicked my feet up on his desk. Dad hated anyone sitting at his desk. Especially his chair. I was going to play this for all it was worth.

I am halfway through 'reading' an article about some celebrity when I hear the well-known sound of my father clearing his throat. "Get up. That's my spot." He spits. I smirk behind the magazine and ignore him. That will make him furious. "Excuse me!! I said get up!" He snaps. I continue to ignore him. Even flipping a page in the magazine for emphasis. It is at this point he grabs the magazine and pulls it from my grasp. I am positioned so as soon as he removes the magazine, I can see his face perfectly. I could see the fury in his eyes get slowly overtaken by joy as he realized the intruder was me. He reached across his own desk and wrapped me in a hug that was only awkward because of the composite wood in between us. I could barely break free enough to walk around the desk for a better hug. this display of emotion mad the blonde raise her eyebrows. Neither of us cared though. I was only twenty-seven and had been in the Marines since I was old enough to be an officer when I turned 22, after attending university and being in their ROTC program. I was the highest ranked student officer in the whole state, making officer's training a no-brainer. I had recently been promoted to captain. (The fact of which I had yet to tell anyone) I am an expert marksmen. One position below sniper. You have to hit all sixteen clay birdies during the test to be a sniper. I missed one. I had spent most of my active duty time on foreign soil for one reason or another.

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